StructureInTheMiddleOfNowhereCore 😍

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As he anxiously hurried over to the structure shrouded in fog to follow Mozzarella, regret consumed Gumplo's thoughts. After all, anything could be in there...

Gumplo finally reached the entrance of the structure, which resembled some sort of mine inside a mountain. The walls were lined with multicolored glowing crystals that acted as natural light sources and probably gave radiation poisoning. He stopped to marvel at the clusters shining brightly against the cold stone walls before reminding himself that he didn't want to get left behind, and he began rushing further into the cavern, his footsteps making soft echoes throughout the area.

After running through the dark cave for what felt like hours (but was probably only about 10 minutes) he came across yet another cluster of the glowing crystals, except this one stood out. It was hanging from the ceiling, which was now 3 times higher than it was before. Despite the extra height of the ceiling, the crystal was giant and it extended down to almost touch the floor. Gazing in awe at the crystal growth was Mozzarella, who seemed so distracted by the crystal it seemed like they were hypnotized.

"Finally found you... hey, are you ok?" Gumplo spoke, out of breath. Mozzarella continued staring at the cluster in their trance-like state before realizing Gumplo was there. "Oh! Hi! I'm alright! Just talking with my new friend, €̸̥̂\̴͇̑¤̵̬̿○̷̲̿•̸̲̀₩̵͔͘》̸̺̉ !" They replied happily before staring at the crystal once more. Gumplo looked at them, confused, before looking back at the crystal growth towering above him. He tried seeing if he could also 'speak' with the crystal, but nothing changed for him, other than the fact that he began feeling dizzy and light-headed.
"I think we should head back..." Gumplo cautiously spoke.
"Why?" Mozzarella questioned.
"Because your 'friend' is starting to make me feel kinda sick. And look at that guy over there," Gumplo motioned to a rabbit sitting in the corner of the cavern, rocking back and forth.
"N-nyan cat... bruh.. and his name is J-John Cena.." the rabbit rambled quietly, eyes wide and twitching.
"I don't know what happened to him, but it's starting to remind me of 2012 memes... maybe he stayed here too long and the crystal did this to him.." Gumplo continued. Mozzarella stared at the clearly insane rabbit, rocking back and forth constantly, before turning back to the crystal, then back to Gumplo.
"You're probably right. Maybe we should leave the cave and continue the journey." Mozzarella stated. Gumplo nodded and grabbed Mozzarella's paw before leading them away from the crystal and out of the cave.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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