The skibidi stone

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Real image of mozzarella⤴️

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Real image of mozzarella⤴️

"So, any idea where to go next?" Gumplo asked excitedly.
"Well, it looks like we have to find a way to get to the skibidi stone, a crystal containing tremendous power that will give you a 1000 day mewing streak, but it might be tough to find. After all, it's never been seen before, and its existence is only a legend. Not to mention, we're not the only ones looking for it..." Mozzarella trailed off with a worried expression on their face.
"It's alright, I'm sure we'll find it!" Gumplo reassured.
"But how can we be so sure?" Mozzarella questioned, still worried.
"It's simple, really," Gumplo replied confidently. "Plot armor."
Mozzarella's expression softened a bit, but they remained confused as they could not break the 4th wall like this. "Right... anyways, maybe we should ask around to see if anyone knows anything about the skibidi stone."
"Alright!" Gumplo beamed.

The 2 adventurers followed the path they were on towards somewhere new, though it was incomprehensible what it was supposed to be due to the thick fog.
"What do you think that is?" Gumplo wondered.
"Dunno. Guess we'll have to find out ourselves," suddenly, Mozzarella had mischievous smile on their face. "Race ya!" They ran off into the fog without warning. Gumplo wanted to follow, but something about the fog and how mysterious the place was just didn't sit right with him. Unsettled as he was, he didn't want to be left there, especially on his own, and he hurried over to whatever structure Mozzarella just ran to.

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