The sleepy town

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Gumplo finally found the exit to the forest, leading to yet another path, with this one being stone. The smooth slates were cold beneath his pawpads as he treaded further, hoping to come across something else.
After following the stone path, Gumplo saw standing before him a small, sleepy town. There were log cabins, rustic shops and cozy diners everywhere, all surrounding a stone fountain. Trees lined the wooden buildings, creating a woodsy atmosphere.
Gumplo reached deep into his non-existant pockets, hoping to find some spare rizz tokens to spend at the shops for items to help him along his journey. He pulled out 7 rizz tokens, 2 paperclips and a lint piece, then stuffed it all back into one non-existant pocket and pushed open the door to one of the shops.
The shop door's bell rang as it opened. "Hello, traveler! Welcome to Logs N Mogs! Care for any goods? Maybe an among us potion, skibidi slicers, or possibly even a ring of the skibidi? We have all of those and more!" The clerk greeted him.
"I'm not sure. I'm looking for something that will help me on my quest to become a sigma. Oh, and by the way, when I was in the woods I came across a wild skibidi toilet and I shot it. It turned into this weird powdery stuff when it died. Do you know what it might be?" Replied Gumplo.
The store clerk, intrigued by the story, took one look into the small bag of powder before replying, "Look, I don't know how this happened, but somehow that skibidi toilet turned into cocaine. There's a drug dealer behind the waffle house, you can sell it to him to give to his customers there for a good amount of rizz tokens."
"Oh, thanks!" Gumplo shouted behind him as he ran out of the shop.
"Anytime!" The clerk called back to him.
Gumplo followed the clerk's directions exactly, and he found a shady drug dealer behind the waffle house, like the clerk said. The drug dealer glanced at him from behind his sunglasses before speaking. "What do you want, kid? Do you plan on buying something?"
"Well, actually, I found something you might be interested in. I found some cocaine and the clerk of Logs N Mogs told me to go to you."
The drug dealer's expression softened. "Oh, Larry? Cool. Anyways, where did you get this stuff?"
"Well, I killed a wild skibidi toilet in the woods and it disintegrated into this." Gumplo replied as he held out the bag of coke. The dealer took the bag from Gumplo's hands, looked inside, and pulled out 25 rizz tokens from his coat pocket. "Not bad, kid. Here's some payment for the product. Let me know if you find more and I'll be happy to trade you for it." The dealer spoke.
"I will!" Gumplo replied before heading back to Logs N Mogs.
"Welcome back, traveler!" The clerk, Larry, greeted once again.
"I got 25 more rizz tokens!" Gumplo beamed. He walked over to a shelf full of adventuring supplies, where another traveler stood, looking at the products. "Oh, hello! Who are you?" The traveler asked.
"I'm Gumplo! I'm here to find something to help me along the journey of becoming a sigma."
"Oh, cool! My name is Mozzarella, I'm looking for some items to start adventuring! The thing is, I don't know where to start mine..."
Gumplo's eyes lit up. "Would you like to join me on mine?" he asked.
"Sounds like fun, so sure!" Mozzarella smiled. They picked up a map from the shelf. "By the way, we should probably get this so we know where to go."
"Alright! I have a lot of rizz tokens right now, so it's on me." Gumplo replied excitedly. As the two of them left the store Larry thought to himself, That traveler seems to have a lot of rizz. I just know that his journey will go well.

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