The forest

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Gumplo had just set off into the world, hoping for some sort of pointer as to where to go. He came across a winding dirt path, worn into the ground from all the steps of other omegas who decided to go on a mewing quest.
As he walked on the dirt path, small rocks and pebbles dug into his pawpads. He simply ignored them, for he believed it was his next step to becoming a sigma. The path weaved in between the trees as it trailed into a dark and menacing forest. Unfazed by the spookiness of the Grove, however, Gumplo carried on, not wanting to give up on his adventure just yet.
As he silently padded along the dirt path, he heard a faint noise that sounded like the strange, twisted song of some sort of creature that inhabited the woods. What the sigma? Gumplo thought to himself. Curious, he decided to go investigate whatever was making these sounds.
"rr, sibi op op op es es," the creature called out. Gumplo followed the direction of the strange song of the creature, the sounds getting louder and clearer with every step he took. Finally, he was close enough to clearly understand what this creature called out as well as what it was.
"Brr, skibidi dop dop dop yes yes," loudly sang the wild skibidi toilet. Gumplo decided to approach the wild skibidi toilet, wondering if he could tame it with bloxy cola. Without hesitation, the skibidi toilet charged unrelentlessly at
Gumplo as soon as it saw him. With quick thinking, Gumplo pulled out his pistol from his bag and shot it, once, twice, and finally three times before it fell to the ground, dead. It disintegrated into some sort of powder, which Gumplo scooped into a bag to see what it was later. For now, though, he still needed to find a new destination.

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