Chapter 1: mornings ( jennas pov )

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Jenna's pov

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Jenna's pov

I woke up to my alarm at 7:00 am,tried to call my boyfriend Jaden who didn't awnser his phone like he never does, got out of my queen sized bed and went to my closet to get changed

The outfit I put on was a black long crop top, light blue jeans, and uggs, I then went to my bathroom and brushed my blonde hair and did some makeup

I went downstairs to the smell of oatmeal that my mom made and I said good morning mom, how is dads work trip going ( my dad has to go out of town a lot for work purposes so I only see him like once a week and I'm also an only child so it's usually just my mom and I)

My mom said she thinks he's doing pretty well and she sat down with me and we ate our oatmeal and talked about what I can do after I graduate because I am in my senior year of high school and I'm even one of the popular girls in the school and I do get good grades but I'm not a nerd I just stay focused in class I guess

After I finished my oatmeal, I washed my dish and thanked my mom for making me breakfast and then I went back up to my bathroom in my room and I brushed my teeth and sprayed perfume and I went on my phone and called my best friend Makayla to see how her morning was going so far and we talked about what we may do when we graduate and she asked me how's Jaden doing and I said I think he's doing alright but I don't really know because he doesn't pay much attention to me anymore and Makayla said maybe it's time you break up with him and I said I'll see you at school and then she said okay and we hung up

When I was done calling her, I tried to call my boyfriend Jaden, but he didn't pickup and I thought to myself maybe Makayla's right maybe I should break up with him because he doesn't pay really any attention to me anymore, and when I try to hang out with him he either says he's busy or he's hanging out with his guy friends

We've known each other since the 2nd grade and we didn't really talk until the 8th grade but when we did, we ended up hanging out a lot and officially became a thing in our freshman year of school and where strong but in our junior year he became friends with a boy named Tyler and ever since he started hanging out with him he's been distancing a lot from me and has instead been hanging out with Tyler and Tyler and Jaden get into trouble a lot and don't really study or try hard in classes like for example Jaden just got his permit last week on his 6th attempt because he didn't study at all and had to cheat on it and overall has just been acting like a dumbass ever since

But other than that I leave my house at 7:25 and I always say goodbye to my mom and I start up my car  that I got for my birthday last year because my dads job pays him a lot  of money which is also why he is always on work trips so my family is not rich but has money to spend but either way I play music in my car on my way to school and I got a call from my dad saying that he has to be gone another week because his boss needs his help to close a deal and I said do you ever come home and he said I will next week I promise love you bye but I don't believe him because he says he'll come home all the time but he always ends up having to stay for extra time

I arrived at the school at 7:40 and met up with Makayla and we walked in to the school and went to our lockers and then we went to our first period world history class and as I was making my way to history many guys were looking at me because I'm one of the popular girls and when me and Makayla walked in to history we talked for about 15 minutes until the bell rang and a minute after Jaden walked in and the teacher Mrs Eisenhower said " Jaden that is the third time this week your late you'll be staying after school today in detention and he just said okay and took a seat

Jaden also doesn't really care about what he does anymore which is not him I know that for a fact but when I try to offer him help he either ignores me completely or will just say no im good

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