Chapter 6 Im you and your me

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Jaden's pov

Me and Makayla got to school at 7:42 and school starts at 8:00 because that's when all classes start and when the late bell rings but either way when we pulled into the student parking section we grabbed our bags and walked into the school at 7:46

before we go to our class we stop at our locker to get our stuff and when we entered Makayla asked me if I studied for the history test today and I said yes in a slow way and just quickly covered it up with saying I also know a lot from memory so I didn't study as much and she said okay

and while we were walking we passed my locker so I went to it and Makayla said uh Jenna I'm pretty sure that's not your locker and I said in my head shit keep forgetting and I said sorry wheres my locker again and she said you didn't sleep well last night and I just said yes I didn't sleep well and she said your lockers right by mine and I said oh right

When I got to Jenna's locker I opened it up and it was organized unlike my locker and I just grabbed her history stuff and said by to Makayla and went off to history class

When I got there, Mrs Eisenhower said good morning Jenna and I said good morning and thanks to her saying good morning Jenna that actually helped me remember I'm Jenna and to sit in her seat

It was 8:00 and Jenna still wasn't here likely cause Tyler always picks me up late but I don't care but a minute after the bell rang, Mrs Eisenhower said to the class so everyone I know I said your chapter test was today, but I forgot to make copies of the test key for any of my senior classes so I decided the test will instead be moved to this Friday and Incase anyone forgot today's Wednesday so that gives you two days and I'm giving you today and tommorow in class to study for it while I make the copies

After she said all that I got up and asked to go to the Library to study cause I think it'll be better and she said sure go ahead Jenna I then told her to not write Jaden a detention and instead make him come to the library so I can tutor him and she said uh sure Jenna I'll tell him that I then said thanks and went to the library

Jenna's POV

me and Tyler got to school at 7:58 and by the time we got inside the actual building the 8:00 bell rang and I know that I would be fucked Tyler then said bye to me so I said bye back and when I got into history, I saw that Jaden/Myself wasn't there and I thought he was skipping so I walked in and Mrs Eisenhower said Jaden come here please and I said okay and when I got to her desk she said Jaden your late again normally I would write you a detention but I'm not and I said why and she said well because i forgot to make the awnser key for the test so I moved it to Friday and giving everyone today and tomorrow in class to prepare for it and I said okay but what about the detention she then said I would give you one but lucky for you Jenna asked me to not give you detention and instead have her tutor you in the library and I told her sure

I then said is he I mean she there now and she said yes and said if you go I won't write you a detention and I said okay I'll go and she said great see you tomorrow

When I left her class I was heading towards the library when I was pulled into the abandoned Janitors closet by the back collar of my shirt and when 2 seconds later lights get turned on and when i opened my eyes I saw myself

Boths POV starting with Jaden

What the fuck did you do to me.

Me I didn't do shit it was likely you who did this .

Well it's that or I'm not waking up from a scary nightmare .

I then hit him and said Jesus Jaden this is not some god damn nightmare I am you and you are me .

Yea I'm trying to get out of your body and you need to get out of mine .

Well I don't know how to wait are you wearing a bra .

Uh no why .

Are you fucking stupid you need to wear a bra or else your boobs will be sore .

2 things one I tried to put a bra on and .

Wait you tried to that means you saw me naked.

Well yea that's how you change and I don't know how you women can get those damn things on and two what do you mean my boobs there yours .

Well they were mine but incase you forgot I am trapped in your body and therefore the boobs aren't my problem there yours now .

Oh shit you're right .

Yea but either way we need to think of what caused us to switch bodies .

Well I got nothing what do you have .

The only thing major that happened to me yesterday was when we broke up .

Yea probably same for me to but what about after like what did you do the rest of the night and think of everything you did even the smallest things .

All I did last night was drive home showered made dinner cause my mom was out helping a friend I then called Makayla and before I went to sleep I looked out the window what about you .

Got a ride from Tyler made myself some dinner as well since my mom was at work showered played on my Xbox then looked out the window as well .

What did you do when you looked out the window .

I just thought in my head what did I do wrong and wished I could see things differently .

I did the exact same thing but I did it at 11:30 .


Do you think that we wished at the same time and that caused us to switch bodies .

Well seeing how that's likely the only logical explanation id say yea .

Well we still have 30 minutes left of class why don't we go to the Library and talk about our home life to make it easier on us .

Sure that sounds like a good idea

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