Chapter 5 Where's my dick

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Jaden's POV

After I looked out the window and thought about Jenna, it was 11:30 and so I just layed in bed on my phone and my mom still wasn't home and it said on the note she wouldn't be home until around 12:00 and so I just changed into my boxers and just layed In bed for about 12 minutes then went to sleep

The next morning

When I woke up, I was facing toward a ceiling that was painted pink and I said in my head the hell am I still dreaming I then sat up a little bit and looked around and saw a room completely clean with nothing on the floor and saw a tv hanging in the right corner of the room

I then said out loud Ok what the fuck is haa... I then said in my head the fuck because instead of my voice it sounded like it was Jenna's voice
And so I said to myself am I sick or something and I then stretched my arms out but they weren't my arms and instead were skinny and not hairy and so I sat the rest of the way up and when I stopped, my chest felt a bit heavy and blonde hair came over my shoulders and I said to myself what the fuck and so I just moved it but when I did It revealed a night bra and so I lifted the bra up and when I lifted it up I saw tits so I put it back over my chest and said what the fuck why do I have tits I then took the covers off to reveal a thong when I remembered I went to sleep in boxers and before I lifted the thong up I said please still be there and when I  lifted the thong I let go of it and said Holy shit it's gone my dick is gone

After all that I said to myself ok where The fuck Am I why do I have tits and why is my dick gone I then noticed mirror hanging over a makeup desk and so I got up out of bed and when I saw my reflection I screamed

I was Jenna

I then said out loud what the fuck is happening why am I in Jenna's body, how did this happen, and where is Jen... oh shit

I then said to myself out loud wait so if I am in Jenna's body then that can only mean that Jenna's in my body I then saw her phone on her nightstand right next to her bed and when I turned it on it asked for a Face ID and so I said fuck how can I get into Jenna's phone without her face I then said to myself oh right forgetting I was Jenna and when I tried to a call her it said I blocked her in which I then remembered I blocked her right after we broke up

Seeing I had nothing else to do I just went into her closet and as soon as I turned on the light I saw a jungle of clothes in there I then said fuck me as I didn't know what to where I first put on a different thong I then took the bra off and got another one and it was a pain in the ass to try and get on so I eventually gave up and just decided to wear no bra I then had to pick out an outfit and after what felt like 5 minutes of looking I finally put on leggings and a short crop top and also white shoes I then went out of her room and downstairs and when I got to the bottom her Mom was there and said good morning Jenna I did not respond she then said again Um Jenna I said good morning I then said oh Uh Good morning Mom ( It took me a while to answer because I'm not used to being called Jenna) her mom then Said honey your oatmeal is out on the table I then said okay thanks  mom (when in reality I don't like oatmeal but I also don't want to piss her off) and she said in a concerned kind of way your welcome and lucky for me the kitchen was to my left so I didn't have to go explore her house for the kitchen

After I sat down I tried a bite of oatmeal and as soon as I chewed on it I spat it right out and said there is no way people actually eat this shit 
I then looked everywhere to make sure Jenna's mom wasn't coming and I didnt see her so I went to the trash can and dumped the oatmeal in there and I put my dish in the sink and when I did that her mom came in and said Jenna you must've been hungry and I said uh i guess mom and when I was about to leave she said uh Jenna aren't you forgetting your dish I then turned around and said oh right sorry mom and I washed the bowl and put it In the dishwasher

I then went back up to Jenna's room and brushed my/her teeth and I then saw her hair comb and said shit guess I gotta do her hair and I just put the comb down through her hair and every time I did it would hurt and I said how do women do this and said I guess that's good I then went on her phone and texted her friend Makayla and asked if she could pick me up and she said uh sure I guess and that she'll be there soon and after like 7 minutes she texted me saying that she was here so I grabbed Jenna's bag and said bye to her Mom but before I left she said Jenna you forgot your lunch in the fridge I then said oh right thanks mom I grabbed it said goodbye to her again went outside and got  into Makayla's car

After I got in Makayla said Jenna is everything alright you usually take your car and I said I guess I didn't feel like driving today and she just said okay and she then said so Jenna how have you been since you broke up with Jaden I then said um I think I'm doing fine I mean it was hard at first but after an hour I got over it and she said okay well that's good And then after that I thought to myself about how Jenna handled herself when she woke up today and oh shit I said in my head

She got a ride with Tyler in which I definitely don't trust Jenna with Tyler especially in my body

I then said to myself okay as soon as I get to school I'm finding myself

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