Chapter 3 the break up

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Jenna's pov

When Jaden walked into history class and went to sit down I eyed him to show try and signal to him that I am concerned for him and he just acted like he didn't see me

Jaden's pov

After I sat down I thought to myself why was Jenna looking at me that way she was probably concerned or wanted to lecture me again but either way about 20 minutes into class, Mrs Eisenhower asked me a question and I said don't feel like awnsering and just looked away and so she instead called on Jenna and of course Jenna got it right and then Mrs Eisenhower said correct Jenna wonderful job, Jaden maybe you could learn a thing or two from Jenna and I just showed her how much I cared by Not saying anything

Jenna's pov

After I got the question right I looked over at Jaden and he just instantly looked away and then 15 minutes later Mrs Eisenhower said okay class since that we only have about 4 minutes left of class I'm gonna let you guys have the rest of class to yourself and I'm also going to pass back your test from last week, they are on my desk so when the bell rings you can come up and grab them and remember your chapter test is tommorow it is worth 60 points

After she said that I just went to check my grades online and it said all A's and then the bell rang and when I got my test back, I got a 84%and Mrs Eisenhower said good job Jenna keep up the good work and then when Jaden tried to grab his test she said Jaden I need you to stay after class and he just said okay and so I just walked out the door to go to my study hall

Jadens pov

Mrs Eisenhower asked me to stay behind because I got another F on my test and she said Jaden you need to start doing better because if you keep on going on this rate you may not pass my class and I just said okay and left and then I had to go to my anatomy class which had Tyler in it and so instead of me and him listening to what the teacher says we just go on out phones or just act like we are actually trying and then I had a study hall then I had 4th period PE which is about the only class I like because the teacher doesn't care what we do and so me and Tyler usually just throw the football around or we will get people to play dodgeball and me and Tyler don't go easy on anyone in that class like one time this year when we were playing hockey I went for the puck and this kid named Ethan who is a sophomore had the puck and so I just hit him hard and the hockey stick hit his face too and he had a sprained ankle for a week

Jeanna's pov

After I got through my classes I went to 6th period lunch and what I usually bring is healthy food like salads or fruits and vegetables and water and I sit with Makayla and some other people in our grade at our table and we just eat and talk about what plans we have for after we graduate or what we are doing after school that day and while I was talking to Makayla Jaden passed by with pizza a bag of chips and a pop for his lunch and he went and sat with Tyler and a bunch of other bad people in our grade and Makayla asked me why I'm still dating Jaden and I said that I was going to talk to him after he serves his detention today after school and she said okay and that I need to talk to him about our relationship and how he needs to be with me and pay attention to me more often and I said I was going to actually talk to him about that and she said okay and we finished eating

Jaden's pov

After school I would usually go home or hang out with Tyler but I had detention today and I couldn't miss that shit so I had to go and the whole time I just sat there or was until the teacher decided to be a fucking asshole and told me to do work and I said I have all my work done and he said fine just stay quiet then and then after detention I waited for Jenna at the park as soon as detention ended which was at 5:00 so I waited there for half an hour until she came at 5:28

Jenna's pov

When I got to the park before 5:30, Jaden was there waiting for me and so when I got out of my car, I went over to him and he said to me what do you want Jenna

Boths pov starting with Jenna

We need to talk about our relationship because every time I call or text you never call or text me back and

Stop Jenna the reason why I don't awnser or call you is because I know you will just give me another lecture about how I'm spending too much time with Tyler and not focusing on you

No I do that because Im trying to care help you Jaden and Tyler is just going to make your life and the rest of your senior year worse

Fuck you Jenna you don't get to control who I hang out with and so what if he's gonna make my life worse I don't give a fuck cause I don't care anymore and I still don't know why you still have feelings for me when I've just been an absolute asshole

You know what Jaden fuck you to I try to help you but you always just push me away and out of your life like I never existed like it's been so long since we've been to each others houses that I forgot what your room looks like

I forgot what your room looks like to and I'm happy I did because I don't have to worry about anything I did

So you don't even care about me anymore then we should break up cause I don't wanna date someone like you

Yea I don't care about you and I know you don't care about me so let's break up then

Done but don't come crawling back to me when you regret everything you did when I tried to help you out

Don't come back to me either

Both fine

Jenna's pov

After we broke up I went to my car and I cried because I thought that would make him feel better but instead he was a complete asshole so I drove home and my mom wasn't there because she's out helping a friend and so I went up into my room and called Makayla and told her everything that happened and she said that I made the right decision by breaking up with Jaden and then she said she would give me the rest of the night and to call her if I need anything

Jaden's pov

After me and Jenna broke up I called Tyler and he picked me up and asked me if I was alright and I said I'm ok but a little sad and he said it's ok man I'm here for you just don't cry and I told him to take me home and which he did that and when I got home my mom left a note on the counter saying she had to work late and so I just went to my room and just tried to stop thinking of Jenna

Boths pov starting with Jenna

It was 11:00 at night and I looked out the window at the starry night sky and I looked at it and in my mind said where did me and Jaden go wrong

It was 11:00 at night and I stood up out of my bed and walked to the window and said in my mind where did me and Jenna start to fall apart

I wish I could have change things

I wish I could've been better

Both out loud I wish I could see things differently

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