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Restless and unable to sleep, Reyna tossed and turned in her bed. Ondina's information about the witch Azura was the only thing she could think about. She knew she needed to find this witch, but her twisted ankle made travel impossible.

As the hour of the wolf approached, Reyna sat up in bed, her mind racing with thoughts of Cregan. Her dream of holding her son could soon become a reality. But what would happen after that? Where would she go after she had her babe? What would be her next move?

In the stillness of the night, Reyna remembered her father's words, reminding her that her family needed her. With a determined look in her eyes, she knew that after she had her son, she would return to her family and Winterfell.

With that thought in mind, she was unable to find sleep. So cautiously she rose from her bed, stifling a pained gasp as her injured ankle protested the movement. Leaning on a cane provided by Ondina, she navigated her way to the chair where her bag lay, carefully selecting a sturdy beige dress and wrapping herself in a thick shawl for warmth.

Steeling herself against the discomfort, she snuck out the cabin and carefully made her way to the stables. She was grateful for the cloud cover that shrouded the moon, giving her enough cover to move unseen. She felt a rush of relief as she reached the stables and saw Visenya patiently waiting for her.

The pain in her ankle made it difficult for her to mount Visenya, but she was too determined to be stopped. With a bit of difficulty, and a bit of luck, she managed to hoist herself into the saddle.

As she led Visenya onward, a nagging sense of guilt and apprehension clawed at her conscience. Ondina had been nothing but supportive, and yet here she was, flouting her trust under the cloak of night. But the image of her precious son, and the elusive witch who held the power to resurrect him, fuelled her on.

In the stillness of the moonlit night, she made her way to the edge of the village. In the distance, the colossal peaks of two looming mountains towered over the land, casting ominous shadows across the valley that lay between them. An unspoken intuition stirred within her, guiding her toward the valley where the witch, Azura was said to reside.

The journey through the jungle left Reyna feeling more and more unsettled, as the rustling of leaves and snapping of twigs echoed through the dark. Surprisingly, the jungle wasn't as cold as expected, but rather humid, eventually making Reyna remove her shawl. After an hour of riding, Reyna felt relief as the mountains grew nearer.

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