Wonders of the world

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Waterfalls, Mountains, Lagoons, and Rain,
The Night, the Morning, the Canyons,
The snow, the birds, the insects
all just one of His many creations.

White is the World in Winter,
Shiny is the sand in Summer,
Blooming are the flowers in Spring
Orange, Yellow Brown leaves in Autumn.

The different smells of flowers and sea,
the different colors our eyes can see,
the various, textures of everything,
the intriguing sounds of birds and rain.

The fire, the water, and the smoke,
such Wonders of the World,
the clouds, white, grey, and black,
the sky when it's blue, pink, or dark.

Each creation has many forms,
Our emotions, too many to count.
Droplets of water, ripples, and vapors,
What a perfect creation - Subhan Allah!

Look into ourselves, the veins and our heart,
the different types of vessels that carry our blood,
the lungs, and the alveoli - work on their own,
With every breath that we take, one cycle is done.

Subhan Allah! Such a Wonderful World!
If the Exam hall is so beautiful,
I imagine what the prize might be?
A surprise for you and me - In Sha Allah 💖

Author's Note: Mesmerized by the smoke coming from my ginger tea - pondering upon Allah's (سبحانه وتعالى) creations.

Subhan Allah! How perfect they are! How beautiful!

Surat-ul 'Ankabut, Ayah 20:

Say: "Travel in the land and see how (Allâh) originated the creation, and then Allâh will bring forth the creation of the Hereafter (i.e. resurrection after death). Verily, Allâh is Able to do all things."

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