❀。• *descending petals₊°。 ❀°。

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the petals are descending
from the tree above
a pink or white tree
letting go of its pink petals

it looks like snow falling
during spring
the beauty of winter
and spring intertwined

sweet memories
bitter ones
bittersweet ones
and indigestible ones

at a time, it was the present
and every detail mattered
every second brought awareness with it
but now it's a faint, distant memory
associated with an emotion

when we remember it
we frown, smile, or cry
but we're stronger than we were then
so we pick ourselves up
and accept

the elaborate past that led us here
to where we are right now
and made us who we are right now
and taught us with experiences
so we grew wiser and calmer

the feelings we felt back then
was with the knowledge we had then
so now when we look back on it
we chuckle at how simple the solution was
we learn how relieving it is to forgive
and we let go of the baggages of hate
that the inexperienced version of us
had been collecting

we collect the falling petals
look at the beauty of the rose
over the thorns
and cherish each petal
even if they're torn or worn out
we cherish them
we forgive the thorns
we accept the petals
and carry them around
and they brighten the mood
and are so fragrant every day
we can't help but smile

I ask Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) to guide us
so we recognize the beauty of the roses,
and collect the petals and cherish them,
and accept our past and grow into
beautiful, and well-mannered,
blossoming people
Ameen 💖

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