Vol. 1 Ch. 6: Vain Struggles And Harsh Truths

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Chapter 6 - Vain Struggles And Harsh Truths
Ciel POV
I roused in a daze. My head was aching and my whole body felt as if it was screaming. My body acted before I could even think. I hadn't known why I moved; just that I did. I felt stabbing pain ripple through my body as I tried to turn my gaze towards where Rimuru was.
I strained and struggled, to no avail. My body...I couldn't move. My vision blurred and I felt my blood pumping. But to where I couldn't say. I knew for a fact despite not feeling it properly I was missing some limbs, most apparent, the leg that had been bitten off by the curse.
My senses were clearing, but the cloudiness in my head remained still.
The rubble over my body was lifted off and a slimmer of relief filled my heart. It must be Rimuru.
As if the world had denied my hopes, the figure I feared the most stood over me. The curse, Qiongqi, one of the Four Perils. Such that counters the very existence of my technique.
I tried to escape as soon as the rubble was lifted off, but Qiongqi managed to swipe my legs and drag me to it.
Writhing around, I wiggled and struggled. Trying to escape the grip of the curse. I was lifted up and the claws brought me closer and closer to its mouth.
I couldn't escape and I could only watch in helplessness as the mouth chomped down on what remained of my lower body. The curse pulled me out and ripped off the remnants of flesh connected to my upper half. It chewed slowly and it dropped me down for a slight second before picking me up once more.
As if it were satisfied, it licked its lips and tossed me away. I crashed into a wall and more rubble fell on top of me, with a broken water pipe piercing through my abdomen.
As the ringing in my ears cleared, I felt a chill wash over the rest of my body.
Everything below the cervical point of my spinal cord wasn't responding to my thoughts. I could slowly feel the pounding in my head dissipating, while normally I'd be getting better knowing that feeling was disappearing. This was not such a time.
Losing that sensation meant one thing. I was going to die. I knew it instantly without being told. Even without taking that loss of sensations into account I was buried under enough rubble to crush a house. I didn't know if Rimuru was safe. I felt as if I wanted to cry but I couldn't feel anything anymore. I was merely just conscious at this point. Soon I would be brain dead.
It was pitiful, I Ciel would die this way, unable to take action. To know if I saved Rimuru, if he was ok. I prayed and hoped desperately that he was ok. I would hate myself for having failed to save him. I can't even tell if my cursed energy is shrouding my body or being circulated. Nothing, I could feel nothing.
I wanted to scream and cry, I wanted nothing more than to see Rimuru, to see my family, to get out of this alive. But I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt this was the end. I couldn't feel it but I knew at this moment tears were flooding out from my eyes just as my blood pooled onto the ground around me.
I wanted to do so much more with my life. I hadn't had this feeling in so long, if ever. I could feel as if thousands of burdens and regrets all came to the surface. Regrets I didn't even know I had.
I wasn't particularly close with my family but now at the end of it all I regret it. I regret not getting closer to them. I hate myself for not giving them more time and attention. Hell, I even hate the fact that I didn't spend more time with the annoyance I call my uncle.
I wished I had given time and gotten to know the people he adopted. I wish I'd bothered to care, I..I wished for so much. I prayed and hoped and regretted.
Everything was filling my mind and clouding it in a seemingly infinite sea of regrets.
Everything was starting to go black as I saw a figure I knew all too well come into my sight. The last thing I would see would be his face.
I couldn't hear him but it looked like he was screaming. I couldn't recognize his expressions or tell the face he was making. Nothing, it was all too blurred. I wanted nothing more in this moment, than to reassure him.
And to thank him. To thank him for the time of my life. For this beautiful experience. To ask him for another date. Or well ask him on a date. I wanted to see more of Rimuru and who he is. I could feel my heart wrench at the thought that I would never see those beautiful yet dark and cold red eyes of his again.
I wanted just a little more time. 'I'm sorry Rimuru, I should've taken your words to heart. I- I didn't give enough time to those who loved me and I loved.'
Before everything went to black a brilliant red light filled my vision before I wished for one singular thing.
To just have one more chance to make right, but I knew dreams, wishes, and reality were all too separate. And that reality is not so forgiving.
As I felt my consciousness fade away I used the last of my strength to relay one last thing. "I'm sorry, Rimuru. Please don't forget me."
Rimuru POV

Virtue and Sin; Cursed and Curses- JJK X TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now