A Chance Encounter

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Your father got a new job, forcing your family to move to a new town. It's the fourth time you've had to move, lose friends, start over. You hoped that this would be the last time you had to move. Breakfast was quiet as usual, your mother quietly cooking a simple meal, your father reading the newspaper with a mug of coffee, and you, sitting across from him on your phone doom scrolling the latest social media posts. It's been like this for awhile now, and it's been gnawing at you from the inside, but you haven't said a word to anyone about it. When your mother puts a plate of bacon and eggs in front of you and your father, you eat it, put the plate in the sink, then start to make your way to school. 

There was a cool breeze in the air, it felt nice against your skin with how hot it was outside. Your eyes close as you continue to walk, and in that moment you bump into someone.

"Hey! Watch where you're walking!" 

Looking up, your met with a peculiar sight, black blotches, bright blue eyes, long black hair tied into a bun, flowing strands of hair, and a mean expression.  You jerk back on instinct as you hear him yell at you, which only seems to piss him off more.

"What? Does my appearance frighten you?" He leaned in closer, a big sadistic grin now adorning his face, "Am I a monster to you?" 

"No, you don't look like a monster at all," You said, composing yourself, before telling him, "Your appearance is very unique." 

His eyes widened, and his expression was one of pure shock. It's like he's been stunned, he's completely frozen in place. Slowly, his head tilted to one side, and his eyes narrowed. 

"You... Don't think I'm a hideous monster...?"  

"No, why would I?"

The boy looked completely flabbergasted as you asked him that, like what you just asked was simply absurd. His expression softened by a fraction, before he turned his back to you and started to walk off, grumbling about something. 

After a few minutes of walking, you make it to the gate of the school with no more run-ins. It's bustling with students all walking through the gate, just like you. Your eyes scan over the crowd, seeing the popular teens, nerdy teens, the jocks, the geeks, and the average teens like you. One group in particular catches your eyes, the delinquents. They all looked intimidating, but one of them caught your eye, it was the boy you bumped into on the way to school.  

He looked pissed about something, leaning against a wall with his hands in his pockets. Even though he was amongst a group, it still felt like he was alone. The people around him didn't acknowledge him, not even his fellow delinquents. A hand suddenly grab your shoulder, pulling you back a little.

"Why're you staring at my brother?" 

The voice came from right behind you. You turn your head to look over your shoulder, then down a little, and see a young girl with gorgeous white hair and brilliant blue eyes. Slowly, the words register in your head, and they widen.

"He's your brother?" 

Your question seemed to tick her off, cause her grip on your shoulder tightened and she grimaced. 

"What? Are you saying he's too ugly to be my brother?" 

"No, no, I wasn't implying that; you two just look so different. He's got black hair while yours is white. But, to answer your earlier question, I was staring at him because I bumped into him this morning." 

She intently listened to your answer, and apparently she liked it, because she let go of your shoulder. Then she just walked off over to her brother, her stride was the most confident one you've ever seen. 

Ume P.O.V

As I walked over to Gyutaro, I noticed something with his expression; he was thinking about something. I pushed my way past the other delinquents, some of them turn to say something until they saw who I was, those ones turned right back around. Gyutaro didn't even notice me when I stood in front of him, so I pinched his arm to snap him out of it.

"OW! What the hell Ume?!" 

"Come on, we both know you can handle it just fine. So, what's on your mind?" 

Gyutaro let out a huff, stuffing his hands back into his pockets. I saw that he noticed something, so I followed his gaze. My eyes widened a little when I saw that he was looking at the girl that was staring at him a few moments ago. 

"She called me unique..." 

My head snapped over to Gyutaro, my eyes wide with surprise. But I was surprised again, because Gyutaro, who usually had a tough and hard expression all the time, had a soft one on.

"Omg, you've got a crush."   

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