Chapter 1: Return to Hogwarts

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The Hogwarts Express rattled along the tracks, its compartments filled with chatter and laughter as students eagerly anticipated another year of magical adventures. Amidst the excitement, Draco Malfoy lounged in his seat, a mask of indifference concealing the nerves that churned within.

As the train slowed to a stop at Hogsmeade Station, Draco rose from his seat, adjusting his robes with practiced precision. He scanned the platform, his gaze landing on the trio of Gryffindors approaching with unmistakable swagger.

"Well, well, well," Draco drawled, his lips curling into a sardonic smile. "If it isn't the golden trio, back for another year of trouble, I presume?"

Harry Potter met Draco's gaze with a steely glare, his green eyes flashing with defiance. "You talk as if you're not up to your own mischief, Malfoy," he retorted, his voice laced with equal parts challenge and disdain.

Hermione Granger sighed, already weary of the impending confrontation. "Can't we go one year without exchanging insults, boys?" she implored, her tone tinged with exasperation.

Ron Weasley, however, grinned mischievously, relishing the opportunity for banter. "Come on, Hermione, where's the fun in that?" he quipped, nudging Harry with an elbow.

Draco arched an eyebrow, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "I must admit, Weasley, I never thought I'd agree with you on anything," he remarked, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Harry rolled his eyes, though a hint of amusement danced in their depths. "Likewise, Malfoy," he conceded, a begrudging smirk tugging at his lips.

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