Chapter 13: Draco's Jealousy

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The Great Hall buzzed with the usual morning chatter as students filled the long tables for breakfast. Harry sat with Hermione and Ron, feeling a strange mixture of normalcy and excitement about his budding relationship with Draco. Across the room, he could feel Draco's gaze on him, a steady presence that gave him an odd sense of comfort.

As Harry chatted with his friends, Ginny Weasley slid into the seat next to him, a bright smile on her face. "Morning, Harry," she said cheerfully, her eyes sparkling as she leaned in closer than usual.

"Morning, Ginny," Harry replied, smiling back at her.

Ginny reached out and playfully tapped Harry's arm. "Did you hear about the new Quidditch drills we've got this week? I'm sure you'll be amazing at them, as always," she said, her tone flirty and full of admiration.

Draco, sitting at the Slytherin table, narrowed his eyes as he watched the interaction. A knot of jealousy tightened in his chest, his gaze darkening as he saw Ginny lean in even closer, her hand lingering on Harry's arm.

Unable to hold back any longer, Draco stood up abruptly, his chair scraping loudly against the stone floor. He strode purposefully across the hall, his expression set in a determined scowl.

Harry noticed Draco approaching and felt a flicker of concern. "Uh, Ginny, maybe we should talk about Quidditch later," he said, trying to gently extricate himself from the situation.

But before Ginny could respond, Draco was there, his presence commanding and undeniable. He placed a firm hand on Harry's shoulder, his touch possessive and protective. "Potter," Draco said, his voice low and edged with a hint of menace. "Can I have a word?"

Ginny's eyes widened slightly as she looked up at Draco, then back at Harry. "Oh, um, sure," she stammered, sensing the tension.

Draco's eyes flashed as he turned his gaze to Ginny, his expression cold. "I'm sure Weasley can find someone else to discuss Quidditch with," he said pointedly.

Harry stood up, feeling the weight of Draco's hand on his shoulder. "Alright, Draco," he said calmly, trying to diffuse the situation. "Let's talk."

Draco led Harry out of the Great Hall, his grip never loosening. Once they were in the relative privacy of a nearby corridor, Draco turned to face Harry, his eyes blazing with jealousy and frustration.

"What's going on, Draco?" Harry asked, trying to keep his tone gentle despite the tension.

Draco let out a huff of breath, his eyes searching Harry's face. "What was that, Harry?" he demanded, his voice low and strained. "Ginny Weasley practically draping herself over you like that?"

Harry's expression softened as he realized the source of Draco's anger. "Draco, it was just Ginny being friendly," he explained, reaching out to touch Draco's arm. "You don't have to be jealous."

Draco's eyes softened slightly at Harry's touch, but the jealousy still lingered in his gaze. "I can't help it, Harry," he admitted, his voice dropping to a vulnerable whisper. "I can't stand the thought of anyone else being close to you like that."

Harry stepped closer, his hand moving up to cup Draco's cheek. "You don't need to worry, Draco," he said softly. "You're the only one I care about. Ginny's just a friend."

Draco leaned into Harry's touch, his eyes closing briefly as he let out a sigh. "I know," he murmured, opening his eyes to meet Harry's gaze. "I just... I need you to know how much you mean to me. I can't lose you."

Harry's heart swelled with affection as he looked at Draco, his own feelings mirrored in the intensity of Draco's gaze. "You're not going to lose me," he promised, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to Draco's lips. "We're in this together, remember?"

Draco nodded, his arms wrapping around Harry's waist as he held him close. "Together," he echoed, his voice filled with a mixture of relief and determination.

And as they stood there, wrapped in each other's embrace, Harry knew that they could face anything as long as they had each other. For in that moment, surrounded by the warmth and strength of Draco's love, he felt truly invincible.

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