Chapter 15: Caught in the Act

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The moonlight filtered through the tall windows of the dungeon classroom as Harry and Draco met for another late-night tutoring session. The room was silent except for the quiet rustle of parchment and the occasional clink of potion ingredients being prepared.

Harry and Draco had grown increasingly comfortable with their secret meetings, savoring the stolen moments away from prying eyes. Tonight, however, their focus on brewing potions had waned, and their attention had shifted entirely to each other.

"You're getting better at this, Potter," Draco murmured, leaning in close as Harry stirred the cauldron.

"Thanks to my excellent tutor," Harry replied, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. He could feel Draco's breath on his neck, sending shivers down his spine.

Unable to resist any longer, Draco reached out and gently turned Harry to face him, his eyes dark with desire. "Maybe we should take a break," he whispered, his lips brushing against Harry's.

Harry didn't need any further encouragement. He closed the distance between them, capturing Draco's lips in a passionate kiss. Their arms wrapped around each other, the intensity of their emotions filling the room.

Lost in their embrace, they didn't hear the soft footsteps approaching the classroom. The door creaked open, and a stern voice broke the silence. "What is the meaning of this?"

Harry and Draco sprang apart, their hearts racing as they turned to face Professor Snape, his expression a mix of shock and fury.

"Professor Snape," Draco began, trying to regain his composure. "We were just—"

"Enough," Snape snapped, his eyes blazing with anger. "I will not tolerate this behavior in my classroom. Both of you, follow me."

Harry and Draco exchanged worried glances but obeyed, following Snape out of the dungeon and through the dimly lit corridors of Hogwarts. They walked in tense silence until they reached Snape's office.

Snape closed the door behind them and turned to face the two boys, his expression unreadable. "This... indiscretion will not go unpunished," he said coldly. "And rest assured, your parents will be informed of your... activities."

Draco's heart sank at the implication, knowing that his father would react poorly. "Professor, please—"

"Silence, Malfoy," Snape interrupted sharply. "You have both disappointed me. Now, go to your dormitories. I will deal with this matter in due course."

As they left Snape's office, Draco's mind raced with dread. He knew that his father, Lucius Malfoy, would hear about this and take drastic measures. The thought of losing Harry filled him with fear and desperation.

The following days were a blur of anxiety and tension. Harry and Draco managed to avoid each other in public, their interactions reduced to stolen glances and fleeting touches. The weight of Snape's threat loomed over them, casting a shadow over their every move.

It wasn't long before the inevitable happened. Draco was summoned to Malfoy Manor, where he found himself face to face with his father. Lucius's cold gaze bore into him, and Draco could feel the anger radiating from him.

"Draco," Lucius began, his voice dangerously calm. "I have received disturbing news from Professor Snape. Explain yourself."

Draco swallowed hard, trying to maintain his composure. "Father, I—"

"Silence!" Lucius barked, his eyes narrowing. "You have brought shame upon our family with your... indiscretions. Associating with Potter in such a manner is unacceptable."

"Father, please," Draco pleaded, his voice trembling. "I care about Harry. This isn't just some... fling."

Lucius's expression hardened, his jaw clenching. "I will not tolerate this behavior. You will end this... relationship immediately. Do you understand?"

Draco's heart ached at the thought of losing Harry, but he knew defying his father could have dire consequences. "Yes, Father," he whispered, his voice filled with resignation.

Just as Lucius was about to say something else, Bellatrix Lestrange, who had been lounging in a chair by the fireplace, stood up, her eyes glittering with a dangerous intensity. "Now, now, Lucius," she drawled, a sly smile playing on her lips. "Isn't that a bit harsh? Let the boy explain himself."

Lucius turned to face his sister-in-law, his expression darkening. "Bellatrix, this is a family matter. Draco needs to understand the consequences of his actions."

Bellatrix stepped closer, her gaze shifting between Lucius and Draco. "And what exactly are those consequences, Lucius? Do you really think bullying him into submission is the best way to handle this?" She turned her attention fully to Draco, her tone surprisingly gentle. "Tell me, Draco. What is it about this Potter boy that has you so smitten?"

Draco looked at Bellatrix, a mix of surprise and confusion in his eyes. He took a deep breath, gathering his courage. "It's not just about Harry being 'smitten,' Aunt Bellatrix. He... he makes me feel understood, like I can be myself around him. It's more than just attraction; it's real."

Bellatrix nodded thoughtfully, her eyes narrowing as she considered Draco's words. She then turned back to Lucius, her expression hardening. "You see, Lucius? The boy isn't just chasing after a fleeting fancy. This is something deeper. And if you try to force him apart from Potter, you might drive him away from us entirely."

Lucius's jaw tightened, his eyes flashing with anger. "Bellatrix, you don't understand the implications—"

"Oh, I understand perfectly well," Bellatrix interrupted, her voice sharp. "But have you considered the potential benefits? Having someone close to Potter could provide us with valuable information, leverage even."

Draco's eyes widened in shock. "Aunt Bellatrix, that's not—"

"Hush, Draco," Bellatrix said, waving a hand dismissively. "The point is, Lucius, perhaps there's a way to turn this situation to our advantage instead of pushing Draco away. Forcing him to end it might cause more harm than good."

Lucius looked at Bellatrix, his expression conflicted. "And what do you suggest, Bellatrix? That we let him continue this... relationship unchecked?"

Bellatrix smiled, a dangerous glint in her eyes. "We monitor it, of course. We let Draco maintain his connection with Potter but with a clear understanding of the expectations and limits. This way, we keep Draco on our side and potentially gain useful insights."

Lucius considered her words, his expression thoughtful. Finally, he turned to Draco, his eyes still stern but less harsh. "Very well, Draco. You may continue seeing Potter, but know this: you will be watched closely. Any sign that this relationship jeopardizes our family's position or safety, and it ends immediately. Do you understand?"

Draco nodded, relief flooding through him. "Yes, Father. I understand."

Lucius gave a curt nod before turning away. "You may go."

Draco quickly left the room, his heart racing as he made his way back to Hogwarts. He couldn't believe what had just happened. Bellatrix, of all people, had stood up for him. He knew he had to be careful, but at least he wouldn't have to give up Harry.

Back at Hogwarts, Draco found Harry waiting anxiously in their usual meeting spot. As soon as he saw Draco, Harry rushed over, his eyes filled with concern. "Draco, what happened? Are you alright?"

Draco took Harry's hands, pulling him close. "I'm fine, Harry. For now, we can still be together. But we have to be careful. My father is going to be watching us."

Harry nodded, relief and determination in his eyes. "We'll figure it out, Draco. We'll find a way to make this work."

Draco leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to Harry's lips. "I know we will," he whispered. "Together."

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