Chapter 15

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No one's POV

Taehyung had gone home after the concert, bidding bye to his hyungs and the staff members. He was confused as to why his heart started beating fast all of a sudden. He knew that he wasn't nervous to perform on stage as this wasn't his first time and this happened even before they could start performing. With a confused mind, he slept due to his physical tiredness.

Taehyung sleeping with a confused mind wasn't happening just today. Some days, he would feel like he was missing a part of his life. He tried to remember if anything happened when he went into coma ( that's what his parents and hyungs told him, to hide the fact that he was married to Jungkook, fearing the return of the demon ), he even tried to ask his parents and hyungs, but in vain.

But there was one thing that he could never find about : the ring that was hung on his neck like a chain ( his wedding ring ). When he asked his parents about it, they told him to never remove it, even during his performances and photoshoots. ( of course his parents respect Taekook's marriage ) So he just let it be, thinking that the ring was a lucky charm.

»»———————- ♡ ———————-««

Months went by. Jungkook started to live his life finally in peace after seeing his hubby. He would try to visit the places wherever his hubby would go, just to get a glimpse of him. 

On the other hand, Taehyung would feel his heart beat faster every time he would go to a place where Jungkook would come, but he didn't know that. Every time he felt his heart beating faster, he would look around the place, as if searching for the someone he was yearning to see. 

This behaviour was noticed by his hyungs, who then confronted him. He explained that his heart would beat faster at some places where ARMY would come cheer them up and his sub-conscious mind would tell him to look for that someone his heart was yearning for. While Taehyung was confused on his behaviour, his hyungs felt shocked as to why he would feel so. 

His hyungs discussed without Taehyung. They felt like Jungkook was here in Seoul and had come to places where they went. This might have led Taehyung's heart to beat faster as it found it's other half near it. The hyungs could only wish that Taekook reunite again without any problems and lead a happy life.

»»———————- ♡ ———————-««

One day, the Bangtan members expect Taehyung, who had gone to his native place with his parents, were spending their holiday together. When they were enjoying the street foods, they happened to meet Jungkook, who was initially scared to meet them, thinking his hubby was with them.

As per the Bangtan members' request, Kook took them to his apartment.

Jin : How are you Kookie?

Kook : I'm fine hyung.. I feel alive after seeing hubby after 3 long years.

Jimin : There's something we want to tell you Kookie.

Kook : What is it hyung?

Hobi : Tae has been feeling that his heart was beating fast in some places where ARMY were allowed to come.

Joon : And we feel like your presence is the reason for it. Don't worry, we didn't tell him though.

Kook : I- I don't know what to say hyung. I-I'm so happy to hear this. But all I want is my hubby to be happy, even if he l-loves or m-marries s-someone *crying*

Suga : Don't worry Kookie. We feel like he might get his memories soon. Just don't lose hope and wait for him.

Kook : I'll wait for my hubby till the end of the Universe hyung. Please take care of him for me. That's all I request you.

Jin : Don't worry Kookie. He's our maknae, of course we'll take care of him. I'm sure your suffering will come to an end soon.

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