8| I thought you were dead...

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Kai was sitting in the couch, and wondered something. His past.


"If i grow up, I'll be a blacksmiths like my dad." Kai said proudly. "Oh please oni-chan, you are so wrong abaut this." Little Nya rolled her eyes. They were around 5. Kai was 5 and Nya was 3. "Why are you so mean?" Nya laughed. "Omg big bro, you're so dramatic" She Still laughed. "And you? What you'lL be when you grow up?" He asked his little sister. "Oh... i never wondered in this. Maybe i can help you with the shop. How is that sound?" She asked her brother. "That would be great!! C'mon! Lets play our fav game!" (The game was in dr. S2 flashback) the older said. "Okay! Lets play!!!" She said, and they went to play......


Kai was crying now in the couch, cause of the memory. He wondered where could be his parents. Someone saw that Kai was crying then he went to him. "Baby, whats wrong? Why are you crying?" The earth ninja asked his bf for answers. "I-i-i" Kai couldn't manage to tell what he wanted. "Shhhh, its okay baby. Calm down" Cole said to comfort his lover. Kai then sat on Cole's lap and cuddled up with him. "When i was a kid, i always wanted to be a blacksmith, like my dad, and i never wanted to be a ninja." He said still crying. "Its okay. Let it all out. Im here." He said softly. "Just think abaut it. If the skeletons wouldn't kidnap Nya, you would never want to be a ninja to save her. And if u wouldn't be a ninja, we could never get together." Cole said with a sad tone.

He would never want to imagine his life  without his bf. "Yea, i know" he said calming down. "Thank you and i really really love you." the brunette said to the raven-haired boy. He chuckled. "I love u more. I love you a way you can't imagine. You're the person i love the most in my life." He said. Kai blushed so hard still hugging his ninja. "Same here." Cole then lifted up Kais chin then they eyes met. They leaned closer to each other, then Kai got his body closer to Cole's. They kissed. It was a soft kiss, and Kai wanted nothing more than that. They pulled apart then they heard the ring.

"Wait here Rocky. I'll check who is that." Kai said kissing Cole's forhead, cheek and he gave Cole a peck on the lips. When Kai went to check the door Cole pulled out his phone and started scrolling in his social media, then he thought abaut one thing: 'Oh god. How did I get so lucky?!'


He went throught the training area then went to open the gate. But when he opened the gate, he thought his heart would broke into million peaces. "Oh my baby!! Look at you! You're such a grown up and handsome man!!" A black-haired woman said put her hands on Kais face. "M-m-mom?" He asked almost crying. "And dad!" A black haired man said with full of bags in his hands. "I thought you guys..." he stopped the santance he wanted to say. "Oh Kai, we were forced to leave you and Nya, and we thought we losed you. But one day we were watching TV with Ray them saw ninjas. We packed our things and came here and look we were right. You got your father's powers. And did Nya got mine?" She asked. Kai was speechless. Maya hugged Kai so thightly. "We missed you guys so much." Maya cryied so hard. "I missed you too mom." Kai said hugging back. "Hey!! Don't forget me!!" Ray said as he put all the things in the floor then joined the hug.

"Can we see all?" She asked. "Ofc mom. C'mon!" Kai said. In the TV room Cole was bored. "What did Kai take so long?" He asked himself. He then saw two person and Kai. "Kai? Who are these?" He asked curiously then got up from the couch. "You must be Cole Brookstone?" She asked then went to Cole. "Yes i am" he said then the woman started to touch his cheek. "You're just like your mother." She said. Cole shocked. "Kai whats is that noi-?" Nya came from the hallway, but She saw the two new people in front of them. "Kai? Who are these?" She asked. Maya went to Nya and hugged her. "D-do i know you?" "You don't regonize me?! Well i can understand. Years went By since we left you two alone..." Nya cryied. "Mom? Dad?" She asked. "Yes Sweetie, its us!" They hugged. "Nya honey What are you doin-" Jay was cut off By the thing he saw. "You must be Jay right?!" She asked. "Yes ma'am. Im Jay Walker" he said. "When i first saw you i thought Libber is back.... You two really similar to each other." She said

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