Chapter 2

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Now all the students and teacher are frozen In place 'Shot?' seemed to be the only thing going through their minds 'Shot?' it took some time to sink in but when it did the chaos broke loose. ¨Shot!?¨ one of them shouted while the other only stoked the fire by shouting on top of that ¨It must be so scary for them!¨

¨Those poor boys!¨

¨ They don't deserve this!¨

¨Way is no one helping them!¨

¨Where are the heroes!?¨

The teacher seemed to have enough of it as he used his quirk to silence everyone ¨These boys can't get help from heroes because there are no¨ There is a bit of commotion before it quiets down once again as the teacher continues ¨We are already looking for a way to find them but since there in Yokohama, there is nothing we can do except watch these lifestreams hoping there still alive at the and of it¨

No one wants to comment on that as they continue to watch the Livestream. In all of their commotion, they had it seemed to miss some of it as the brunette seemingly got the other to bring him with him.

They are walking in what looks like abandoned buildings here and there an old gunshot can be seen. At one point there was a knife left behind in one of the walls still some blood on it. ¨Hey chu that is a nice one, it's still sharp'' Dazai says as he puts his hand on it only to get cut by the blade¨

Some students his as if it were their hand that got cut. One of them a girl with short brown hair even said ¨He should be more careful ¨A worried expression written all offer her face. Some others nod in agreement.

¨Carful idiot! It would be a drag if you got sick because of this¨

Most of the students understood his point, how were they going to get medical supplies in that place? It would only take an infection and you could die.

Chuuya takes the knife out of the wall pocketing it.

¨Smart¨ one of the kits comments.

They continue walking till they enter an abandoned store, almost all the ails are empty. Probably other people have taken an enter looking for food. ¨There is almost nothing left¨ Dazai comments before a bandage is thrown at him. ¨Found you a spare¨ Thaking the bandage that was now on the ground he replays ¨A~ Chuuyaaaa~ You are such a wonderful human being¨ ¨Go to hell¨

Now that they mentioned it just now the students seem to notice that the brunette is covert in bandages ¨Poor boy, it must have been hard on him¨ a girl with long up black hair comments. Some more similar comments are made as the student's faces turn with a mix of dread. Wanting to help the boys out but not able to.

Suddenly a gunshot is heard the boys duck behind one of the ails striking close to one another seemingly holding their breath.

Etmedietly shock and fear are placed on the students' faces. The only thing they can do is watch and hope they will be okay. Some of them pulled their hands into fists mad at themselves for not being able to do anything for them only watching how their bodies stiffen from fear.

Another gunshot is heard that hits almost right next to the ginger who is holding his hands over his mouth to stop himself from making any sound. Noice of snack packets can be heard a few ails from them seemingly another person is looking for food.

The ginger mouths something to the other that the camera can't pick up. The brunette looks alarmed and wants to stop the other who slowly makes his way over to the aile with the other person. The camera still lying on the ground facing him from when they duck to get out of view. The ginger and the third party are out of view only the brunette is in sight.

Everyone in the classroom held their breath waiting for what was about to happen.

Three gunshots were heard as the brunette put his hands to his ears flinching with very shot tears dripping down his face.

The students feel nothing but a pit of dread in their stomachs from only looking at the scared little teen. Questions fill their minds. 'Has this happened before?' 'How could he not be traumatized' 'This is too much for a teen'

Suddenly a hand is placed on the brunette's face wiping away the tears that dared to spill. He stiffens before slowly looking at who it is jumping in his arms as he recognizes the familiar face of his friend. At the side of the camera, Chuuya can be seen hugging back.

The previous tension in the room vanishes and is replaced by sighs of relief. That is till Dazai picks up the camera again wiping away the tears that are still stuck on his face. As there is now a good view of the two of them they can see that Chuuya has blood on him. The previous picket-up knife in hand fresh blood dripping off it.

The students and teacher stare at the screen in shock. That a child this young needs to murder to survive and protect the other.

One of the Students stans up asking a question almost all of them had on their minds ¨Does this mean he is a villain!?¨

The man responds by silencing him ¨From the record of what just happened no, he is not a villain. This is in self-defense and will not be looked upon as evil¨ Taking a deep breath, ordering his mind he continues ¨This is one of the rare occasions that murder will not be seen as evil, this person had a gun and almost shot one of them. If Chuuya hadn't done what he did and the person discovered them then they would be the ones dead¨

Letting their teacher's words sink in it did make sense. If Chuuya didn't do it then the other would have. Looking back at the screen the brunette seems to have calmed down a little and Chuuya has put the knife away subtly having a backpack with him. They didn't have to guess where that came from seeing the snecks in it that were properly done by the now dead body laying not far from where they needed to exit.

Closing and putting it on his back Chuuya held the brunette's hand tightly guiding him to the exit while putting a hand on his eyes. Seemingly not wanting the other to see the nasty scene.

¨ That's so sweet but sad at the same time ¨ someone commented ¨It seems that Chuuya does all the traumatizing and dangerous stuff while keeping Dazai safely away from it¨ another said.

¨ It's so cute how he protects him¨

¨It does seem like he put his child's time away to be the grown-up for the other¨

¨Now that you mention it Dazai is more the childish one of the two and Chuuya is more like the parent and protector¨

¨Like giving up his childhood so the other can have one, at least some of it¨

Aizawa Is never really the one to make justment on people, but from what he is hearing and seeing he can't deny it. It does look like Chuuya is protecting him from the ugly dark part of the world they live in. It doesn't help either that there walking just as if nothing had happened. Dazai happily talks to the camera while Chuuya just smiles at him.

That is all interrupted by more gunshots further down the street where the store was. All the attention of the students is quickly placed back on the screen. Only to see Chuuya grabbing the brunette's hand in a firm grip and making a run for it into one of the abandoned buildings. Then the live stream abruptly comes to an and. One line is placed on the blank screen. It may be a short line but it holds a strong meaning.

Students some with blank faces some with fear or shock as they let the sentence make its way to their brains but not wanting to believe it or refusing to.

This lifestream has ended Because of an error

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