Wills and Testaments

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  From Ellenora Baudelaire-Hodgins to Cattleya Baudelare-Hodgins:

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From Ellenora Baudelaire-Hodgins to Cattleya Baudelare-Hodgins:

Dearest Mother and Father,
If this message has found you, then you know our mission is finally complete! It was certainly the most rewarding of journeys that I would take again and then again if I only could.
We accomplished what many would think was the impossible, but we worked extremely hard to reach our goal!
I just want you both and Randy to know that I have had such a wonderful life with wonderfully loving people surrounding me. I would live this life again and again with no sorrow nor regrets.  Petrich and I have experienced many wonders on our journeys together. I expect we shall continue them into our next life.

Yours Forever and Ever,
Your Loving Ellenora

From Petrich Ivan Hollenburg to Gabriella Fitzhugh:

My Dear Fitz,
By now you know what's happened. I do not know how nor when this letter will arrive to you, but it is accompanied by a journal I have been keeping since our separating from you and Leon. All will be explained in those entries. It is quite a tale, but please, PLEASE know it as the absolute truth, no matter how fantastical it all may seem. You are the only one who could read through the entries and understand that MOST were written by a completely sane and honest man. Nora has read them all, as well. You will see her mark at the end of the latter entries, for by this time, I could not even trust myself to be a reliable narrator.
I know how all this must seem to you. I know your incredible sense of logic will want to reject it all, but for my and precious Nora's sake, read it all as the truth!
I dedicated an entire entry to you near the end. I apparently hallucinated your presence and found myself sick from just wanting to be near you and talk to you for just one last time. You'll see another mark at the end of it from Nora as proof that she had not only read it, but signed off on its sincerity.
If you would, make this journal available to Dietfried, if possible. Help him understand how very important it is to believe what I have written. Through it, you both will know this epic journey Nora and I have taken is not one of regret.
Always My Upmost Respect and Undying Love,
Petrich Ivan Hollenburg

From Petrich Ivan Hollenburg to The Society of  Master Celestial Scribes and Celestial Document Registry:

Official Last Wishes of Petrich Ivan Hollenburg, High Master Scribe of the Celestial Arts and Documents

Upon the demise of myself, one Petrich Ivan Hollenburg, and my bound assistant, one Ellenora Baudelaire-Hodgins, I bequeath the oversight of any and all created celestial documents by Petrich Ivan Hollenburg to Captain Dietfried Baugainvillea.
No transference of said celestial documents shall be permitted without the expressed written consent of Captain Dietfried Baugainvillea.
Captain Dietfried Baugainvillea will hold explicit right to confiscate any said celestial document that is not under proper care. Determination will be made in terms of monetary fines or even legal prosecution to responsible parties of said celestial documents.
The original of this letter is being sent to my attorney of law for an official sign and notary, upon notification of my and my assistant's death.
Petrich Ivan Hollenburg

From Ellenora Baudelaire-Hodgins to Hilary Baugainvillea:

My Dearest Hilary,
I did not know the last time we would see each other would be your sixteenth birthday party at your Uncle Dietfried's, but if I had known, I would not have been more satisfied.
You were the most happy I had seen you in a very long time, not to even mention handsome and dashing in your full cadet uniform. 
You have completed your nautical academy education and now ready for university. Your future has an extremely bright outlook with your uncle's guidance and your mother and father's good sense.
My memories of us together have always been most cherished, not only of us playing on the beach with the other local children, but also the more quiet moments.  I loved it when we would read to each other after playing all day, and your mother Violet would listen to whatever high adventure story we'd be reading, her eyes wide and her hands wringing out her skirt!

Thank you, Hilary, for all these wonderful moments that even death dare not take from me. Please, dear one, keep them alive by sharing such times with the children you will one day have.
Share with them the adventures of Jimeny Dukes and the Pirate Princess Neto.  Let them get lost in old booksellers, as we would, only to be found again by tracking the sneezes of the other.  Take them to plays and operas and watch them reenact the scenes they loved the most, costuming themselves with old clothes found  in a trunk.  Remind them that, in this life, there are more than enough tough moments, but pushing through them is worth all the work put into it.
Tell them how important it is to build friendships, for with the love and support of a true friend, the ups will more likely as not outweigh the downs.
Thank you, Hilary, for that love and support you have always given. I will always have these with me, even if I am no longer a part of your world. 

Love Now and Forever,

     Nora sealed her letters to her parents and Hilary and brought them to Petrich who had just finished his own.  He had also finished the last entry in his journal and gave it to Nora to read out of routine.  She did, and placed her initials at the end of it, although these later entries were becoming more and more erratic.  She would have had reservations signing her approval but thought it important not to begrudge the man his final words.
      Petrich eyed the letter Nora wrote to Hilary. He shook his head and sighed.  "If only. . ."
      "Then I would have married into a fortune, yet have nothing I truly wanted, and would be expected to be happy about it."
        Petrich held the letters for a moment, then placed them all inside the airtight messenger bag.

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