x's and o's

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Tony was throwing another huge party again, and you were not happy about it.

The team had just come back from a month long mission, and you were beyond exhausted. It hadn't even been 24 hours since you were home did Tony announced him throwing the party for "teamwork well done." Blah blah blah. You zoned out after that.

You've been with the team for almost 2 years now, and no one has really made any effort with you.

No one has tried getting to know you. They only really talk to you when they have to... like when you're on missions.

They all ridiculed you any chance they got. They made fun of you and made jokes about you.

Yes, it did annoy you. But you never let it show how much it aggravated you.

The only reason you were with the Avengers in the first place was because Nick Fury was good friends with your Mom, who had unfortunately passed away of cancer 2 years ago. Nick took you in, knowing you didn't have anyone else and you were too young to live on your own.

The only one in the team who never made fun of you was Natasha. You didn't know why she didn't make fun of you like the rest of the team did. She never really even talked to you, but she never made fun of you or talked badly about you and that made you really want to be friends with her.

You were horrible with making friends. You were bad at social queues, physical contact like hugs, you never knew what topics to discuss and you got extremely anxious and paranoid in loud crowds.

You were currently in your bedroom, on the verge of tears as you tried on multiple different outfits. Each dress you had was either too short, too inappropriate looking, too scratchy, too small, too suffocating. Ugh why was choosing an outfit so damn hard?

You groaned and put your head in your hands, sitting cross-legged on the floor in your tank top and joggers. Tears fell down your cheeks as the music from Tony's party got somehow even louder.

You ended up wearing a black dress and you put on light make-up as you only planned to show your face at the party and then leave again because what's the point of being at a party with no friends and no one to talk to right?

You walked down the stairs, your black laced heels and a gold necklace and gold earings to match.

Little to your knowledge, all of the Avengers turned their heads and looked at you in pure awe. They have never seen you dressed like this.

"Lady Y/N! You look... stunning." Thor beamed and took your hand as you walked off the stairs. "Thank you, Thor." You giggled a little. Thor was your favourite out of the team. He was such a gentleman and so kind to you.

You sat on the sofa in between Thor and Natasha. The first hour was great. Everyone was chatting to you and being nice. It was nice for a change. The second hour came around, and you started to feel suffocated. The dress was feeling too tight, and it was getting scratchy. The noises were pounding into your head, too. You only had a glass or two of champagne, so you knew you weren't drunk.

You started rubbing your hand up and down the fabric of your dress, trying to ease the scratchy feeling and trying to calm yourself.

The team was a bit drunk now. Especially Tony. For a man who throws parties almost every week you'd think he'd have a higher alcohol intolerance.

"And then the man said to me 'you look like Tiny Stank.' And I replied 'Tiny Stank? No no, I think you mean Iron Man.'"

Everyone laughed at his 'story'. Except you, you were zoned out at this point. Your vision was blurry as you stared into one spot on the floor. You then zoned in on a conversation Sam was having with Maria.

"Eh, the newbie Nick hired is so weird. She's as quiet as a mouse and barely speaks. God I feel sorry for her parents. She must suck as a daughter and friend." You knew he was drunk but that didn't mean it didn't sting a little.

You could feel tears burning your eyes so you stood up and walked out of the room without saying goodnight to anyone. Like they would care about you anyway. You were just Nick's 'pity charity' as they called you.

You managed to find an empty conference room and you started pacing like crazy. You could feel your heartbeat in your throat. "F-fuck, f-uck fuck." You mumbled repeatedly. You were shaking your arms aggressively as you paced, your vision disorientated.

"What--exhale--too bright--too fucking bright--can't--c-can't." You couldn't think straight. God did you miss your Mom for these situations. You slid yourself down the wall and tugged at your dress aggressively. "B-bitch of-f a dr-ess." You whined and put your head on your knees. Your fingers shuddered against eachother as you played with them. You didn't hear the conference room door opening.

Natasha had seen you run out of the room and went looking for you concerned. She hesitantly walked up closer to you and slid down beside you. "Hey you." Nat whispered. You whimpered a little and refused to meet her eyes. You turned your head away, not facing her. You didn't want her seeing you like this. She was the only other female in the team, you didn't want her seeing you as weak too.

Nat didn't really know what she was going to do to help you. She barely knew you so she didn't really even understand what was going on. Your head twitched every now and again. She scanned her eyes around the room and noticed a pen and paper laying on the table. She grabbed it and placed it in the gap between both of you.

"How about a game of x's and o's yeah?" Nat drew the table and placed an X in the centre square. You turned your head back to face her, your eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. "Your O so it's your turn now." You shakily pointed your finger to the box underneath the X, and she drew the O there for you. You did a few rounds of x's and o's with Nat until you felt okay again.

"Thank you." You mumbled quietly as you finished your last round. "Anytime." Nat paused. "I'm sorry about what Sam said earlier. He was drunk, I'm sure he didn't mean it." Nat apologises for her friend. "It's fine. I'm used to it." You shrugged and clicked the pen. Nat gave you a small sad smile.

You two sat in comfortable silence for a few more minutes, you fiddled with a fidget ring you had on. "D-Do you maybe wanna ditch the party and watch a movie or something together?" Nat shyly asked. You looked at her, kinda surprised. You'd love nothing more than to do something with Nat, but you were scared she was just pretending to be nice to you. Nat could see your hesitance. "We don't have to watch a movie. We could do something else if you'd like?" Nat tried thinking of something else that you would like doing. "Like what?" You questioned in a hushed whisper. "Like this."

Nat leaned in closer to you. Your breath hitched. Were you really about to have your first kiss? Nat stopped for a moment, your lips inches apart. "Is it okay if I kiss you?" Nat whispered. You nodded. "Yeah." Little did you know, that kiss was the start of a whole new world for you.

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