Chapter 2

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I remember it so clearly the first time I laid my weary eyes on him who would save my life. Even if he wouldn't even know of my existence there on the other side of the sidewalk.

It was late evening and it was unusually cold outside. I was on my way home from the evening shift at the warehouse job I had started a few months before. My body was sore after trying to cover up for the co-worker who was home sick today. Doing two people's work at one could i still feel in my hurting back, the stress remain in my body and I was so hungry that my stomach had contracted in pain. The irritation seeped into my clenched fist and I was just so tired. So tired of the world that decided the people in it would either work themselves half to death or not at all. The grinning face of the boss saying "Nothing could be done", as more staff quit or were sickened by the slave labour. Because we were never worth anything, replaceable. Like an engine that stopped working and was replaced with a new one.

 Like an engine that stopped working and was replaced with a new one

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These thoughts occupied my head when I heard a loud bang. Completely unprepared for the increased noise level, I flinched and stopped in my tracks.

In the city it was pretty empty even though it was Friday night, just some distant music from the various pubs nearby. A few people at full speed on their clattering heels had crossed my path. But otherwise I could have easily sunk into my thoughts without any disturbing moments.

Now it was the bang that caught my attention and I quickly saw where the source of the sound came from. A guy my age sat with his butt on the ground with his hand on his blushing cheek. A painful moan came from his throat and I could see blood at the corner of his mouth. A little further away from him stood another guy with a raised fist leaning over him. He hissed something threatening at the guy on the ground but I couldn't make out the words. Tried to perceive the scene in front of me as a whole as the people around was fading away.

A feeling of flight took hold in my body but I couldn't move. I had never witnessed a fight before and had no immediate need to either. My ears caught nothing of what was said or what the cause of the quarrel was. But my eyes saw the man who dealt the blow. There was something about his whole spirit that appealed to me. The clenched teeth in a face that spoke of such bare fury. The hand that grabbed hold of the guy on the ground's neck collar. The arm with the tense muscles and the tattooed skin. Long black bangs covered the guy's face but I could see the wide open eyes, the wrinkles around them and the darkness that seemed to be endless in that look.

 Long black bangs covered the guy's face but I could see the wide open eyes, the wrinkles around them and the darkness that seemed to be endless in that look

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