how've you been?

9 0 0

Veronicas pov:

I look at the time.


School should be out right now- and my dumbass decided to agree to meet up with Heather mcNamara and Martha. I have no motivation to go out but I cant cancel as I've cancelled i dont know- maybe 5 or 6 times?
I feel like a bad friend.

I put on an outfit that I haven't seen in a while. White button up shirt, grey plaid skirt along with a blue neck tie and blue thigh high socks. I put on the last part to this outfit

The blazer. It's a bit more loose on me, but I think I don't look like I was just rotting in bed so it's better then nothing.

I look at my shoes and pick sneekers because fuck heels !! And look in the mirror while attempting to brush the rats nest some people would call hair.

"Good enough." I say to myself before turning to the door.

I let out a sigh and walk downstairs to see my parents, they looked shocked to see me out of my room. My mother shifted nervously in her seat and cleared her throat before speaking.

"..Hey honey, you going out somewhere?"  Her voice was laced with fake concern. Well that's what it sounded like. My dad keeps his head down and shoved into a random spy novel. He always says he hates them but somehow finds himself reading one. It's alot of crap, but I can relate. You say you hate something or..someone and SOMEHOW go back to them.

I turn my attention back to my mom and scan her expression before replying. I attempted to not sound as dry and cold as I have previously been.

"Mhm. Not sure when I'll be back."  Dammit, it came out in the wrong tone. I watch her expression soften and I cant help but feel bad.
Before she could say anything I walk to the door and swiftly walk out, shutting it behind me.

I hear her shout 'I love you!!' In a almost desperate and pleading voice and I freze on the steps, my hand still on the door handle.

"I love you too.."  I mutter it and start to walk down the walkway and down the road.

Me, Martha, and Heather mcNamara was meeting up at the local 711 and then going to sit at a park or beach. I assume its going to be the park as the weather wasn't exactly "beach weather".
I continued to walk down the road and i come to a stop when I find myself outside a familiar house.

I hadn't spoke a single word to Jason these few months, I wasn't even sure if he was still in town. I've heard that he had moved away with his dad again. Or that his dad moved away and he was still staying in the house with his dad still playing for it. I look up at the house and feel a empty pit in my stomach. It was a hard feeling to describe.

I stay there for a few seconds more and continued my walk to the 711. Sometimes I wished he would come through my window randomly at night and just hold me. And sometimes I wished I'd never see him again.

I make it to the 711 and see a girl in yellow. I noticed Heather first as the shade of yellow was almost blinding. I then noticed Martha, she was no longer in the scooter and was currently using crutches.
Heather waves me over and I slowly walk over to them.

"Veronica!! How are you??"  The question seemed unreal, even when I hear it everyday from my parents. I wanted to break down and come clean about everything, say everything. But I stupidly say-

"I'm fine. You?"  I didn't sound as dry as I did with my parents, luckily. And they look like they seemed to buy my lie.
Martha spoke up, it was nice to hear her voice.

"Thats good! We've been worried as you haven't been to school- and I'm fine! Just getting use to the crutches!"  She sounded joyful and it was somehow confusing.  I look over at mcNamara as she butted in.

"I'm also okay! Just a little sore from chear!"  She flashes a smile at me and I forced one back.

I shove my hands into my pockets and look at the two of them before speaking
"Why did we agree to meet up here again-?"  Heather pulled out some money and waved it like a fan to be "funny"

"To get snacks of course!! Come on let's go get some!!"  She shouted excitedly and went to grab my arm. I stood my ground as I spotted a familiar motorbike. It was the duplicate of Jason's bike- or possibly even his bike..

I pull my arm back and turn my gaze to them
"I'll wait out hare!" 
They nod at me and walk inside. I lean against the wall and look at the bike, trying to convince myself it wasn't his bike. It got to the point I walked over and looked at it.

I was looking at it until I heard footsteps. I thought it was Heather and Martha so I turn around, my brain not processing the fact it was one person's foot steps.

My body freezes. The one person I didn't want to see but desperately wanted to see was right HERE.

"Jason-?.."  he looks down at me with his cold gaze, it sends shivers down my spin. He had a slushy, of course it was a slushy. He's addict to those like a crackhead is addict to crack. It takes him a moment to even say anything and let me tell you- I was itching like a crackhead-!

"Veronica, nice to ..see your doing well."  He tried to keep a 'poker' face yet failed. It was obvious he was just as nervous as I was.

I clear my throat and attempted to keep my voice steady.
"I are you?" 

As much as I hated that question at the moment, i felt like I needed to ask.

He takes a few more seconds to respond and he finally does.
"I'm great. You?.."

Before I could answer Heather and Martha come out. I flash him a apologetic look and walk over to them.
I hear the motor of his bike start and him drive off.

I watch him leave. I really do miss him.

How fucked up is that-?


This all feels mismatched and I APOLOGISE!!! At least I finally got some motivation?😭

Please someone tell me it makes sense 😔

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