◇Almost Kidnapped◇

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“Where are we going, again?” Marcus asked for the third time since we got into the car. “For the last time, Marcus, we're going to the library,” Dad replied, giving an agitated sigh. Mom chuckled to herself. “Why?” Marcus asked. I felt Dad tense. I was sitting behind him on the driver’s side. I shivered as I felt Dad’s anger build.
“Summer wants to get books on the army dear,” Mom said, her voice soft and calm. Lawrence and Spike were sitting in the third row. Most likely discussing boy things.
Our Dad drives a truck. I’m not sure what make or model it is, but all I know is that it’s big enough to fit our whole family. Except for one person having to sit on the other’s lap. Or the floor if they are small enough. It had a beautiful deep blue color to it, the kind of color people would normally associate with beauty.
“Oh, okay. But then why are Spiky and Lawerence coming along?” I heard Lucas giggle at his twin and Lawrence and Spike stopped talking. Dad audibly sighed. I snorted, trying not to laugh. I heard Mom also holding back laughter. Marcus yelped when Spike slapped him in the back of the head. “Because, Mar, we ASKED to come along,” Spike said, aggravation hinted in his voice. I think he emphasized “asked” a bit more than necessary. Lawrence snickered and ruffled Marcus’ hair. Mar is the nickname Marcus got when Dad almost put Mars on his birth certificate. 
“We’ll be back in about 10 minutes. Your mother needs to grab some groceries.” Dad said. We all nodded and Mom smiled at us and gave a little wave. “Don’t let the twins go off on their own without one of you three with them okay?” I grabbed Lucas and held him by my side. “Got it. Be safe.” I said, smiling. Dad smiled back and pulled off.
“Can we go to the kid's section?” Marcus asked as I grabbed a book off the shelf in the history section. “Why didn’t you go when Lucas, Lawrence, and Spike went?” I said, flipping through the pages of the book. Marcus shrugged and shifted on his feet. I sighed heavily and closed the book. On the cover was a young man with a wound shaped like a heart on his left eye. His name was General Jacob Barnes. He was the reason I wanted books about the army.
“Fine,” I said. “I’ll take you to the kid's section once I’ve grabbed my books, alright?” I said, my eyes going back to the shelf. Lucas did a little happy dance as I pulled another book off the shelf. As I pulled the book off the shelf another book fell to the floor. I jumped, stepping back so as to not let the book hit my foot.
"Oh, what's this book Summer?" Marcus asked as he picked it up. As I set the other two books I had in my hand down on a min table next to me, I examined the book Marcus was holding.
It was leather bound with a tearing spin. I took the book into my hands gently. It was lightweight and the leather was coated with dust. I traced my fingers along its dusty edge.
"Do you think it's a part of the other book you picked up?" Marcus asked, looking at the two books on the table. I shook my head. "They would have been bound by a specific band or at least labeled similarly," I said, flipping the book over. "But this one doesn't even have a cover." I brushed off some of the dust to see if the title was hidden under the layer of dust. It was blank.
"Excuse me," I announced as I approached the reception desk. "Does this book belong to you guys?" I asked, setting the leather bound on the counter. The man who was running it looked at me and then turned the book around.
"Where did you find this?" He asked, not taking his eyes off the book. I looked over at the spot where I found it. "The history section. Right where you see those two books." I said pointing over to the table where I had set the books I was referring to. The man looked up and stared in that direction for a bit. "Nope. This book doesn't even have a title. Nor does it have a barcode on it." He said flipping the book over and pointing to the corner of the book. I was a bit surprised how he could tell under the layer of dust.
"I'll just throw it out with the other trash-" He said, but before he turned to put it in the trash I interrupted. "Wait," I said, "I'll take it. It might make good use of a journal." The man looked at me then placed the book back on the counter. "Then why'd you come over here?" He said, grabbing a scanner and walking through a back door. I scoffed and took the book. "Rude," I mumbled under my breath. I handed the book to Marcus and went to grab my two other books.
As I walked, I stopped suddenly with a gasp. I felt a hand grab my wrist and pull me back. "Hey there," It was a man. I knew that for sure. He was gripping my wrist so tight I could feel my pulse. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. It wasn't Dad. It wasn't Marcus. I felt my blood run cold. 'Marcus! Where's Marcus?' I turned my head and looked at the man holding my wrist. He was a young man from what I could see. But I didn't take in his features like I did the second man.
A man with dirty blond hair, olive skin, and sharp-edged teeth, was holding my brother with a hand covering his mouth and a clawed hand pressed to it. I felt my breath quicken. "Come quietly, or the little one gets it." I heard the man say as he yanked me backward. 'What do I do?!' My head was spinning. I couldn't think straight. I shivered as the man traced his hand along my shoulder. I was wearing, which I now and always will, regret putting on, my light purple tank top with a pastel green skirt that reached my knees. "You're so pretty. We might just keep you alive if you behave." The man's voice was heavy and smelled of smoke and alcohol. I looked around but no one was in insight.
I felt a tear escape my eye as I heard Marcus let out a muffled yell. 'Do something! Do something!' I thought. But I couldn't. My brain was swimming with questions, and shouting at my body to slow down or else I'd pass out. I felt him yank me again and I could feel my body stiffen. Marcus was in the second man's arms, unconscious. I wanted to think the red stuff on his hands was ketchup. I didn't want to think that my brother was dead and his body was going to be buried with mine after the first man who grabbed me originally was done doing whatever horrid thing he had planned for me. Suddenly, I was free from the man's grasp and left standing on my own, dazed, with tears pouring down my face. I looked over my shoulder and saw my dad on top of the man. His mouth moving, but no words were coming out of it. But I knew he was yelling at him. Whenever Dad yelled at someone, he'd grab them in some kinda way. In this case, it was the man's neck. There was a loud ringing in my ear as I watched him begin to punch the guy. I then noticed mothers arms wrap around me as I fell to the ground. As more tears fell from my eyes, I felt my body grow weaker. The last thing I remember before I closed my eyes, was security pulling my dad off the man who'd just tried to kidnap me and Marcus.

The Kids Who Defined Destiny: A summer of choicesWhere stories live. Discover now