☆A negative observation☆

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As I regained consciousness, I groaned. I blinked a couple of times as I took in my surroundings. I wasn't home. For a moment. I felt my heart begin to race as I thought the kidnappers had been successful in their mission before I saw my mother stand up and come to my side. I noticed a tear fall from her eye as she tried her best to smile at me. I returned the smile, a very small one, but one that would at least let her know I was alright.
"Well then DAMN you!" A yell made both of me and Mom jump. I heard a wrapped beeping noise before it returned to a more slow beep pattern. That's when I realized I was in the hospital and the person yelling was most likely my father. If I wasn't too weak, I would have said, 'Well speak of the devil,' because at that moment, he stormed into the room, slamming the door behind him, and leaned over the mini sink at the corner of the room.
"Mark," I heard Mom call. "What happened?" She asked, an unusual sadness in her voice. I felt my heart ache when I realized how quiet her voice had really been. I heard my father curse and kick one of the cabinets.
"What's going on?" I asked, my voice a little weak. Mom looked at me and then back to Dad. "They won't allow your brother to see Lucas without permission from the head doctor." I felt a shiver creep its way up my spine. My father's voice was dripping with anger. But, I couldn't figure out which brother he was talking about.
"Which one-" Before I could finish, he spun around to the door, yanked it open, and stormed out again. I slumped back down on my hospital bed. I heard Mom sigh audibly.
"Marcus," She said. "They won't let Lucas see Marcus." She said, her voice almost a whisper. I only looked at her. "What happened to Marcus?" I asked, my heart beginning to beat faster. "He's fine dear, I promise." She said, placing a hand on top of mine. "He was just drugged heavily and given a flesh wound on his neck." I blinked. That's when it all came back to me. Someone grabbing my wrist, Dad choking a man, blacking out.
Tears began to fill my eyes as the events clicked together in my head. Mom wrapped her arms around me as I began to cry.
"I'm so useless..." The words slipped out so fast, I barely had time to register what I had said to them. I heard my mom gaspe. “Summer.” Her voice was gentle. She didn't sound angry and she didn't sound upset. Just calm. I looked up at her as a tear fell down my cheek.
       “You are NOT useless. Why would I say something like that?” Her voice was a whisper now. I looked at my hands. I didn't know why I had said what I said. It just slipped out. “Because that's how I feel!” I said, raising my voice slightly. “If I had done something, if I had powers-” A hand covered my mouth. I looked into my Mom's eyes and saw they were watery. When she removed her hand I kept my mouth closed.
      “Powers, abilities,” She began. “They don't make a person. They might give you a name in a career but special abilities don’t make you.” She pointed at me. Then she placed a hand on my chest. “It's the heart that makes a person truly human.” She gave me a smile. Another tear fell down my cheek as we shared eye contact. For a little longer.
      There was a loud sound of glass shattering and we both looked up. I looked over at Mom and she had a worried expression on her face. “I'll be back, sweetheart.” She said as she stood up and left the room. I sat there looking at my door. ‘Why had I called myself useless?’ I wondered as I waited for my mother to return. I realized for the first time that I was still in my tank top and skirt. I also noticed that I didn’t have an IV stuck into my arm. ‘I guess that means I’m not gonna stay here-’ Before I could finish my thought a nurse entered my room.
“Hey there sweetheart. I’m just here to remove the equipment that monitors your heart, pulse and ect. Is that alright with you?” It was a man with fluffy white ears and a white tail that trailed behind him. I nodded and gave him a smile. He smiled back and removed the equipment without any kind of other intentions being present. “Thank you.” I said as he helped me stand up. “Your welcome my dear. Now, think you can walk to the door and back?” He said as he held my arm. I nodded. I walked slowly over to the door so as to not push myself. Once I reached the door, I turned and smiled at him. Although I knew that I could walk on my own, I didn’t wanna risk it and walk too fast.
As I turned to walk back to the doctor, there was a gentle push on the door that made me stumble a  bit. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize anyone was behind the door.”  I stepped back to let the person open the door fully and step in. It was my father. We stood looking at each other for a bit before we embraced in a hug.
“And who are you, sir?” The doctor asked as he approached us.
“Who’s asking?” My dad replied. His voice was throaty and strained with anger. I had never heard him that madd before. I felt a tension in the room beginning to build.
“He’s my Dad, sir.” I said to the doctor   as the two of us broke the hug. The doctor nodded and opened the door. “Well then, you’re good to go. If you ever get a funny feeling in your legs, or anything else, just call us okay?” He said as we walked out. I nodded and gave yet another smile. Once he walked away, I gave Dad a worried look.
“Is everything okay, Dad?” I asked, placing a hand on his forearm. He sighed heavily and ran his fingers through his hair.
“I’m sorry Summer. Hospitals aren’t my cup of tea.” He said, his voice losing its angry tone and was replaced with a quiet one. I looked over my fathers features.
His normally calm demeanor was a now somewhat stressed one and the white button up shirt he was wearing was half tucked and half way hanging out of his pants. His hair was loose and looked a little tangled, and his eyes didn’t have it’s usual sparkle. I looked at him for a little longer before we started walking down a corridor filled with doctors, nurses, and occasionally patients.
“I am once again sorry for the inconvenience.” I heard a woman say as we approached a door that the rest of our family was standing in front of.  “It’s alright.” Mom said. I saw when she grabbed Dad’s hand and gave it a small kiss. I couldn’t help but crack a small smile.
“Your son is alright, we just couldn’t let anyone see him because he was still being looked at by the doctor. I do hope you can forgive the inconvenience once again.” The nurse had small soft, cat ears, and  one, long thin tail that trailed to the floor behind her. Her coat was a beautiful white and her eyes were a light hazel type color.  I’m not sure why her appearance caught my eye so much. Nor did I know why I asked her her name.
“Uhm, excuse me,” I said, gently tapping her on the shoulder. She had gone into the room and stayed in there for a bit before she returned with Marcus by her side.  “I wanted to say thank you for taking care of my family while your staff took care of me.” I gave her a smile and she returned it. “That’s my job.” She bowed.
“What’s your name?” I asked,  the words coming out my mouth faster than I could process. She looked at me silently for a bit before she gave me a smile and answered.
“You can call me Mira.” Her voice was unusually soft and I noticed her eyes looking behind her. I followed her gaze and noticed she was looking at my father. It took me  a moment to figure out what was happening, but once I realized, I was even more confused.
My Dad had been hugging Marcus, but he had stopped and had his head turned slightly in our direction. Was his hair always that dark of a green?  I asked myself as I gave one last smile, then walked over to my family. We all embraced in a hug as I considered my option to not look back.

The Kids Who Defined Destiny: A summer of choicesWhere stories live. Discover now