○The First sign○

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As I looked at myself in the mirror in my new mint green dress with black collar, which Spike accidentally wore to sleep, I couldn't help but smile. My paper white skin, with vitiligo tan patches were highlighted by the colors. My dark green eyes that matched my Dads shimmered with a confidence that I never saw in them before. I was still wearing my necklace with the charm on it. I was surprised it hadn't broken and fallen off during the explosion. Mom hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek. A bandage was wrapped around her neck. She got burned pretty badly because a piece of burning wood fell on her. I didn't question her about it, I was just glad she made it out alive with my siblings.
       “You, Spike and your Father had us worried, Summer.” I turned to her and hugged her back while raising my eyebrow. “Funny, you made us worried.” I said with a smile. “Did you see Dad yet?” I asked as I went over to the twins to hug them tightly and not let them go as I brought the three of us down onto the bed they shared.
      “I did,” She drifted away from me as she responded. She had her beautiful gray hair in a bun with the same white point tail from before. Only, its white shade is a little darker than what it used to be. “He was really…scared for us. He thought we hadn't made it when you and Spike told him we'd catch up back at the house.” She said, walking over to Spike and sitting next to him. Spike blinked and looked at me. Marcus was messing with my necklace.
       “With all the adrenaline and how fast the fire was spreading, we didn't have enough time to search the house for you all, plus Dads injuries could've caused him to pass out, which would've been more difficult in just getting him out or…worse. If we hadn't gotten him out right then and there, I, not sure if Summer thought this as well, but I thought we'd lose him if we tried to find you all.” Spike explained as Lawrence came out of the bathroom. He was wearing a gray button up shirt with dark gray pants. Lucas laid his head on my lap as Marcus continued to fidget with my necklace. Mom had a sympathetic look on her face.
     “I couldn't blame you even if you left us just to save yourselves.” Mom said, placing a hand on Spikes. Lawrence sat on my bed, which was next to Mom and Spike.
    “I do.” Lawrence said, crossing his legs. Everyone, including me, looked over at him. Lawrence got uncomfortable and switched which way he had his legs crossed. “What? Not the right time to jump in?” He asked. Lucas giggled. Mom rolled her eyes as Spike chuckled. I held back my laughter with a smile.
    After explaining to Lawrence why he jumped in at the wrong time, there was a knock on the door. Before it opened.
    “I'm sorry, is this where the uhm…Codename family is staying until further notice?” A man said as he entered with a big grin on his face. Marcus looked up from my pendant and gasped. He jumped off the bed with Lucas and ran to him. It was Dad. He was wearing a nice white button up shirt tucked into dark gray slacks with a black belt and black tennis-shoes. Of course, he had the same brown scarf wrapped around his neck. He squatted down and wrapped his arms firmly around the two boys. Mom smiled fondly at Dad as he stood up and hugged Spike, then Lawrence, who had walked over to him after Lucas and Marcus. I, however, stayed where I was. I still felt bad for what I said to him. My smile shrunk at the memory of the harsh exchange of words. It wouldn't leave me alone. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop feeling guilty. Then again I don’t think I should. I jumped when I was pulled to my feet and firm arms wrapped around me.
     “I wasn’t lying.” Dad whispered. I was stunned. I wanted to hug him back but I was frozen. When I did, tears fell from my eyes. The top of my head was at his chest. That’s how much shorter I am than him. I squeezed him tightly. “I-I’m sorry Dad!” I shouted. Dad chuckled and kissed my head. “I’m glad to know we both are.” He said with a gentle smile.

     “So you're all better Papa?” Lucas asked. He was sitting on Dads lap, who was sitting on his bed. He nodded. “More or less. I still need to go back and get my bandages changed and take my medicine.” Dad replied. He had patches on the back of his arms and one on the palm of his right hand. I was sitting on my bed, sketching in a notebook that the sniper soldier who found Mom, the twins, and Lawrence, gave me while she was doing her rounds. I looked up at the mention of medicine.
     “Take medicine?” I questioned. “But you’re not sick. Why do you need medicine?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. Mom kissed Dad on the cheek and sat next to him and Lucas. Dad turned his attention back to me. “You do realize you don't just take medicine for when you're sick right? I need medicine because I might be healed enough to stop being watched all day, but I haven't healed completely. It's like how Spike needs physical therapy to get his shoulder back in order.” He explained. If we were in a game, there would be a question mark over Lucas’ head. I understood perfectly and lowered my head back to my sketch. A few moments later, Lucas asked, “You lost me after you asked Summer that question.” Mom and I shared a snicker.
    For the most part, none of us suffered any major injuries. Well, at least not anything that was too life threatening. Mom and Dad were the two who were the most injured out of us all. With a piece of wood falling on Mom's neck, to Dad being right next to the wall when it exploded. Something about that fact made me suspicious.
      I tapped my pen on an empty spot on my page. Now that I think about it…I looked over at Dad. He was smiling with Mom and Lucas as Lucas told them about a hero he made up. I looked at Dad's eyes. They were dark green again. I bit the top of my pen. There had been so much action in the past day, I forgot I had seen Dad's eyes change. I looked down at my drawing, deep in thought when the door opened. Lawrence had accompanied Spike to his physical therapy session. They hadn't been too happy about it but now they were grinning like mad-men.
    “We just got permission to explore the base!” Spike shouted with a wide grin. Dad's smile faded as Lucas jumped out his arms. I closed my notebook and set it, alongside my pen, on the bedside table. Throwing my legs over the side of the bed, I looked back over at Dad. His eyes said it all. He didn’t like what Spike said. But, I shrugged it off and stood up, going over to the two with a smile. Mom had joined them by their side. “Really? The whole base?” I asked with a grin. Spike pouted. “Not the whole place. Or at least not any interesting parts.” Lawrence rolled his eyes and smiled. I raised an eyebrow.
    “Although he may seem excited, he thinks it’s lame that we can’t explore the offices and stuff.” Lawrence explained as Mom walked to the restroom. I looked over at Dad. His eyes followed her until she disappeared. He then stood up and walked over to us.
   “Who gave you permission to even ask?” Dad scolded. Spike and Lawrence looked at one another. “No one,” Spike answered. But before he could continue Dad spoke. “Exactly. You might be seven-teen Spike but you’re still my responsibility until you’re eighteen.” Dad spoke. I watched this alongside Lucas, judging his moves. Something wasn’t right here.
     His body was tense, and his eyes had a sense of concern. I looked toward the twins with a smile to hide my suspicion. “Well, I don’t see what harm it could do. Besides, we've been sitting around this same room for a few days now.” I said as I looked at Dad. Marcus spoke up. “Yeah Papa! You can give us a time to be back and we’ll be back in no time!” Marcus said with a gleam in his eye. “I said no. That's that.” His gaze was serious. I took note in my head about Dads actions. Something was wrong with him. And I had a feeling it had to do with how he reacted to General Barnes…and this wouldn't be the only time we would see his mood change so quickly.

The Kids Who Defined Destiny: A summer of choicesWhere stories live. Discover now