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– Minho... If I can't do what you wanted me to do, it's because I feel... weird about it.

Minho turns his body towards the taller one as his gaze becomes amused.

– Yet you manage to kill people mercilessly... What's different? I thought you were a crazy sadist.

– It's the person I have in front of me, Minho. That changes everything. For you, I'd go to the end of the Earth. But when it comes to them, I'd rip out their eyes and make them swallow it.

The dark-haired man sighs slightly as he brings a hand to the face of the smaller one, his thumb tenderly caressing his cheek as he plunges his benevolent gaze into his.

– When I froze earlier, it's because I saw one of those men who tried to use you the day of the incident. Instead of seeing you in your pleasure, I saw the fear of this man bathing in his blood.

– But I'm not scared of you, Hyun'.

Says the brown-haired boy with a small, soft smile. He tries to reassure Hyunjin.

– I know that, lil' angel. The problem is that I love you and I swore to protect you until death consumes me...

– But satisfying me also counts for protecting me, right?

– I think you don't understand, my angel...

Minho lowers his head slightly, becoming silent.

A few seconds where neither of them speaks pass while Hyunjin still caresses the cheek of the smaller one. He ends up raising Minho's head by taking his chin between his fingers and he breathes his words.

– Minho... There's something else bugging my mind.

The brown-haired boy tilts his head slightly to the side, indicating his curiosity.

– When you were gone for those two weeks, where were you?

Minho seems to hesitate for a moment.

– I was at Seoho’s place…

– So you went to seek comfort in Seoho’s arms…

Minho nods slowly, looking down again.

– I promise that he only showed kindness. And I didn’t tell him anything. I made something up so he could reassure me because I needed it, but he doesn’t know anything about what you are. He still sees you as a long-time friend.

– Minho…

– Hyun’… I assure you-

– Minho.

The brunet bats his eyelashes as he barely holds Hyunjin’s strange gaze.

– Stop trying to justify yourself or protect him. I know he’s not dangerous.

For now...

Minho breathes reassuredly and smiles slightly while bringing a hand to the face of the taller one.

– He's the only man I can trust in this crazy world, aside from you.

– Mh... Let's sleep now. We spent a lot of energy and I wanna see you in good shape tomorrow.

The swartht approaches the little one a bit closer to place a kiss on his forehead and then presses his forehead against his, closing his eyes.

– Good night, my angel...

Somewhat worried, Minho bites his lips while putting an arm on the upper body of the taller one, then closes his eyes too, preferring to ignore Hyunjin's reactions and the subject discussed for the moment.

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