Hideaway heaven

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I shifted uncomfortably as my so called bestfriends, Sofia and Revan, exchanged mischievous glances across the table

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I shifted uncomfortably as my so called bestfriends, Sofia and Revan, exchanged mischievous glances across the table. God I knew what was coming—another round of teasing me on that weird emo chick outfit

Sofia, with a smirk playing on her lips, leaned in closer. "So, Rosè, have you found any more 'interesting' outfits to wear lately?"

Revan chimed in, unable to contain his laughter. "Yeah, last time we saw you, you were rocking that 'emo meets vintage' look. Are you auditioning for a new band or something?"

My cheeks flushed with embarrassment as I tried to defend myself. "It was just one outfit, guys! And it was because of that silly bet we made..."

But my protests fell on deaf ears as Sofia and Revan continue teasing me Despite my embarrassment, I couldn't help but join in on the laughter, knowing that my friends were just teasing me out of love. Deep down, I appreciated their playful banter, even if it meant enduring a week of unconventional fashion choices. After all, what were best friends for if not to keep each other on their toes?.

I look at my watch and realize it's time for our class "guys it's time we don't wanna get lectured for being late again by Mrs. Smith do we" I say taking the last sip of my coffee

"Yap let's go" both Sofia and Revan reply together, all of us exchange glances and chuckle

"You guys are turning into eachother" I say putting on my bag pack as we walk towards the classroom
As the bell chimed, signaling the end of the class,  Sofia, with her energy, was the first to rise from her seat, her vibrant laughter filling the air as she nudged me and Revan to hurry up.

"Come on, slowpokes! We've got places to be and adventures to embark on," Sofia exclaimed, her enthusiasm contagious.

Revan, ever the laid-back one, casually slung his backpack over his shoulder, a playful grin on his face. "Easy for you to say, Sofia. Some of us like to take our time and enjoy the moment."

I chuckled at their banter, feeling grateful for their companionship. With a quick sweep I  gathered my belongings joined them

As we made our way towards the door, the hallway buzzed with the chatter of the students,my gaze wandered, and was distracted by the activity around me.

I felt the heat of somebody's gaze when I turned to my right as I spotted him—a mysterious figure, his presence seemingly out of place in the chaos of the hallway.

Our eyes met for a split second, a fleeting moment that sent a jolt of electricity through my veins. In that instant, time seemed to stand still as my locked eyes with the enigmatic stranger, his expression unreadable yet captivating.

There was something about him—the way he held himself with an air of quiet confidence, the intensity of his gaze—that drew me in, stirring a curiosity.

Pulling my gaze away I realized  Revan and Sofia were excited to go to the abandoned light house which was on a beach near the college, we found it during our 1st year and soon It became our hang out spot. Today we finally decided to renovate it to make it look less horrific.

As I climbed the creaky stairs of the abandoned lighthouse, my heart raced with excitement. Sofia and Revan were already ahead, their voices echoing through the hollow space as they discussed ideas for our latest project.

Reaching the top room, I was greeted by a sight of neglect – peeling paint, dusty windows, and cobwebs clinging to every corner. But beneath the layers of decay, I saw potential – the potential to transform this forgotten space into something extraordinary.

Sofia's boundless energy filled the room as she flitted from one corner to another, her eyes gleaming with creativity.

"Imagine this as our own little hideaway," she exclaimed, gesturing around the room. "A place where we can escape from the world and just be ourselves." "Let's name it the 'hideaway heaven' " I exclaimed

Revan nodded in agreement, his analytical mind already assessing the structural integrity of the room. "We'll need to reinforce the floorboards and replace some of the windows," he mused, his voice filled with determination.

As for me, I found myself drawn to a corner of the room bathed in soft, golden light streaming through a cracked window. With a sense of purpose, I rolled up my sleeves and joined my friends, armed with brushes, paint cans, and a shared vision.

Together, we worked tirelessly, each contributing our own unique talents and ideas to the project. Sofia added splashes of color to the walls, her strokes bold and confident. Revan meticulously repaired the worn floorboards, his hands steady and sure.

And as for me, I focused on the finer details – hanging fairy lights from the rafters, arranging cozy cushions in a corner, and placing potted plants by the windows to breathe life into the space.

With each passing hour, the room began to take shape – a sanctuary of warmth and comfort nestled within the walls of the old lighthouse. And as we stood back to admire our handiwork, I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride and gratitude for my friends.

Together, we had turned a forgotten room into a haven of friendship and creativity – a place where memories would be made and dreams would take flight.

And as we shared a moment of quiet contentment amidst the newly transformed space, I knew that this lighthouse would forever hold a special place in our hearts.

Let's order pizza im exhausted" I say "Agreed" They exclaim together. Gosh these love birds "girl it's not my fault you ain't got a boyfriend" Sofia say her voice filled with humor. I sigh and place the order.

When the doorbell finally rang, I practically jumped to the door, imagining the cheesy goodness that awaited me. But as I swung the door open, my excitement quickly turned to confusion. Standing in the corridor was not the delivery guy, but a familiar face I hadn't seen in years, a wave a familiarity hit me.

Their eyes met in an awkward silence, both equally surprised by the unexpected encounter. My mind raced, trying to process the unlikely coincidence of meeting this person at her doorstep.

"Um... hi," I managed to  speak, unsure of what else to say in this moment.

The other person smiled sheepishly, equally caught off guard. "Hi, muffin, Long time no see"

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