9| An unforgetabble trip

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-no smut [just mentioning]
-lava, jaya, pixane, sunrises
-might be cringe
-bad grammar
-really, really, really, and really cringe agnst💀(this is how you spell right?!)



It was a windy and rainy day in Ninjago. The sun was behind the clouds. It was raining, but it wasn't dangerous. The raindrops flowed down from the eaves. [i used Google translate for this hehe] All the ninjas was inside the monastery. Kai was laying in his boyfriend's arms. He looked his Insta account.

"What are you looking at firefly?" The rock ninja asked his bf for answers. Kai looked up from his phone, smiled softly then answered. "Nothing much, just my account." He said. Cole chuckled a bit. "How many followers you have?" He questioned. Kai raised an eyebrow at this strange question but laughed a bit. His laugh melted Cole's heart. "15 million. Why? Jelaous?" The red ninja grinned at his bf. "No, not at all." He said. "I was just curious." Kai looked at him then put his phone to the bed.

He then kissed Cole softly. He chuckled. "You're so beautiful my love." Cole said to his blushing bf. "Thank you honey." He said and they kissed again. It was full of passionate. They didn't want this to end. "Tasty." Kai murmured while kissing his earth ninja. Cole pulled away. He chuckled a bit. "Am i?" was the only thing he asked. "Yes, you're" Kai replied. "Can i get a kiss again?" Kai asked with puppy eyes.

"Anything for you baby." He said kissing the brunette more again. He wanted to enter Kais mouth But before he could someone interupted them. Someone knocked on Cole's door. "Hey guys? You're in the room?" A girl voice asked. Kai pulled away and went to Cole's ear, then he whispered sm. "We can continue this later okay?" He told his lover. Kai get of Cole's lap then went to the door. "Sis? Whats up?" The brunette asked his younger sister. "You guys need to see something, c'mon!" She then went to the TV room.

"Whats up babe? What did She tell?" Kai chuckled and went to Cole. He kissed him softly then spoke up. "C'mon! Nya said we need to see sm." He then grabbed Cole's hand and they went to the living room.

When they got here everyone was cheering. "What is happening here?" The red ninja asked the others. Lloyd went to Kai. "We won a trip to Paris!!!" Lloyd shouted. The rock and fire ninja looked at each other. "Really?!" They asked. "How many?" Cole was curious. "Let me count them...1..3..6...9!! We have 9 tickets!!" Jay shouted. "Can i invite Skylor?" Kai asked. "Yes!! And I'll invite Vania!" Cole said. He give Kai a peck on the lips then he went to his room.

Kai just stood here in silent. "Kai?" The male nindroid asked with worring. "Oh, sorry buddy i just zoomed out." He said. "I'll text Skylor if She wants to come." And then Kai went to Cole's room cause he forgot his phone there. He went to the room. "What are you doing firefly?" He heard Cole then turned araund. Cole was shirtless. Kai loved that sight. He went to Cole. He then pushed him to bed and sat on his laps. "Why are you sexier than me?" He asked then watched Cole's lips.

He kissed Cole depply. He pulled away. "I just wanted My phone, but now i want to do it." He said and started to unbelting Cole's gi. "Im sorry honey But no. We need to get ready."He kissed Kais forhead. "Awwww no." Kai hugged Cole. He then looked up with puppy eyes. "Please... just a bit.." Cole's weakness was Kai. When Kai did the puppy eyes he found that 'Sexy'. But he needed to get against it. "Im sorry baby, but not now okay? I need to ask Vania and you need to ask Skylor remember. After that we're going to visit Paris." Cole told softly. Kai rolled his eyes sarcastically then opened his mouth to speak. "Atleast a last Kiss then?" He asked with puppy eyes again. Cole kissed Kai. They then pulled away. "C'mon sweetie. You need to ask her." "Fineee." He said "Where's my phone?" Kai asked. "Oh here it its" Kai wanted to leave but Cole pinned him to the wall. "C-Cole?" Kai asked blushing madly. He laughed then leaned to Kais ear. "If we get home. We can get spicy. Patience my dear okay?" He said get his jeans back as Well his shirt. "Bye Rocky! I love you!" He said. "LUV you too more than anything in my life." Cole said.

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