Chapter thirteen:babys the word

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"Sure Jack but I haven't got my car so I'll have to walk" I explain
"My father will pick you up in two minutes" he replies quickly he then hangs up.
Rapunzel walks up to me "Elsa I'm so sorry please will you forgive me" I felt my heart soften "I forgive you but I have to go something has happened at Jack's parents house" she looked concerned but said "see you" and she sloped off,it made me think of a word which I don't use...much. An Audi tears round the parking lot and John kicks open the passenger door I chuck my self in and he puts the pedal down at full throttle he must be going at ninety miles an hour then he swerves into the drive,opens the door and practically throws himself at the door I jog slowly behind him and as he opens the door and I walk through the threshold I hear a moan of pain and a "get it out of me" I push open the living room door to see Emma on the sofa writhing in pain and Jack kneeling next to her looking worried when he sees me he says "thanks for coming she has gone into labour and me and my father don't know what to do and my mother went away on business after the wedding and she won't be back till tonight so I thought of you"
"Instead of chatting her up can't you get this child out of me" Emma screamed I laughed a small laugh then Emma starts looking really green and screaming "I need to push"
"Jack get the towels and hot water" I command he walks off quickly and after a minute he returns with them. I lay all but one of the towels on the sofa because I don't think that their parents would be happy if blood and amniotic fluid was everywhere I had the last towel in my hand as I said to Emma "push" I held the towel at the ready "I can see a head" I said excitedly Jack jolts at this and stands with a hand on my shoulder and his other hand in Emma's,she lets out a final scream and I am covered in blood and amniotic fluid but there is. a baby in my towelled arms,I wrap it up and hand it to Emma "it's a girl" I say breathlessly she smiles to me as she sits up but her eyes suddenly become filled with angry tears "Finn should have been here" I can see the anger in her eyes as she speaks. Jack's grip on my shoulder becomes deadly "Emma,where is he?" He asks,she starts sobbing and saying about how she told him to come home but he said he had things to do and then he didn't turn up for lunch,at the talk of lunch my stomach starts rumbling but I try to ignore it "I'm going home to change I might come over later to see you,if he turns up ring me " Jack says as she smiles feebly to him. Jack walks out to his car I follow him and when he reaches his car I walk past it,through the gates and to the bus stop.

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