Chapter five:dinner with the Frosts

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"Sure I will meet you at your house in an hour and a half" he says
I grab my shoes and tie them. When I open the hotel room door  I am expecting to see Jack waiting for me but he has gone so I get in my car and drive back to my house. "Hey Elsa " Anna says as I pass through the threshold of the front door "Kristoff is coming over in a hour and we are watching a film in the living room"
"Ok well I am going out for dinner with someone" I reply,Anna jumps at me
"Who,who" she practically screams with excitement
"Jack Frost but we are just friends" I deny truthfully she looks at me in disbelief
"Yeah definitely " she says sarcastically. I go up to my bedroom and change into a nude coloured jacket,cream casual shirt and clean skinny jeans I leave my hair curled down and put some white platforms on. At six o'clock I hear a car pull into my drive and five minutes later Jack is in the hall way talking to Anna wearing a pair of jeans and a black long sleeve shirt which he has rolled the sleeves up on. "you ready?" He asks I nod as I walk down the stairs to stand next to him when I do he puts an arm around me which is kind of sweet but a bit annoying because Anna will be going on about it when I get back. Jack leads me to his car which is a flashy blue Porsche "this is a flash car" I comment he nods and holds the car door open for me as I get in. As Jack drives down to his parents house I ask him "where do you live then?"
"I live in a mansion about ten minutes from my parents house" he replies
"Classy" I answer. We now have arrived at a huge house and as soon as Jack has parked his Porsche a girl about sixteen runs out of the house,at first I think she is his girlfriend but when she starts talking I realise that she is Jack's sister "Hi I'm Emma Jack's sister" she says I put my hand out for her to shake it but Emma pulls me in to a hug. "Calm Em let Elsa have some space" Jack chides her lightly but she hugs him too. Emma leads us through the huge house I see a sparkling chandelier in each room,when we reach the dining room a well groomed woman and man greet me "Elsa welcome to our humble home" the woman says "I am Jack and Emma's mother Cynthia and this" she indicated to the man "is my husband John who is Jack and Emma's father".
John shook my hand "very nice to meet you Elsa we would be delighted to meet your parents some time"
"My parents are dead Mr Frost they drowned three years ago" I explained. "Call me John and call my wife Cynthia,I'm sorry I didn't know if I did I wouldn't have mentioned it,so do you live on your own?" He asked curiously.
"Oh no I live with my sister Anna who is a year younger" I say happily
They all looked at each other then his mother says "aren't you lonely my dear"
"I guess so,she has her boyfriend and they are out a lot" I reply softly
"Anyway listen to us babbling on you must be hungry" John says as he leads us to the table,Jack pulls my chair out for me I nod towards him as thanks. Cynthia brings out many tureens of food I tried a bit of each. All of it was delicious after dinner I sat in the beautiful front room with them all asking me about my life,a subject that they all were very interested in was my marital status which is single. "You must have had a boyfriend before?" Cynthia asked "I mean you look like a movie star and you aren't even wearing much makeup"
"Thank you very much but no I have had a boyfriend but he found me cold and stony" I replied softly,I think that Cynthia heard the hurt in my voice because she put an arm around me "not all of them are like that take Jack for example he and his girlfriend get on really well"
"Mother me and Jennifer have broke up because she loves someone else and I love someone else too" Jack told his mother as soon as he told her that I didn't feel like someone had plunged the knife in my stomach anymore "Oh well she always was a stuck up cow" Cynthia replied I giggled a little at that but no one said anything. "Who is it you have your eye on son" John asked Jack "I saw her today and she was so beautiful but I don't know how to tell her how I feel and if she doesn't like me like that then it could ruin our love hate relationship  and I would rather be just friends than never seeing her again" he said this as he looked at me."Listen Jack my only male friend just try win her over with favours and try getting close to her" I advise he smiles and thanks me.

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