Trapper vs Wraith

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The Trapper (Evan MacMillan):

Exceptional physical strength, durability, and the ability to set bear traps that incapacitate survivors.

Slower movement speed and reliance on traps to control the battlefield.

The Wraith (Philip Ojomo):

Ability to become invisible with the Wailing Bell, increased movement speed while cloaked, and surprise attacks.

Vulnerable while uncloaking, lower physical resilience compared to the Trapper.

Location: The battle takes place on the grounds of the MacMillan Estate, a derelict industrial area filled with rusty machinery, crumbling buildings, and dense fog. The eerie silence is occasionally broken by the distant sounds of machinery creaking and the wind howling through the broken windows.


The Trapper patrols his territory, setting his bear traps strategically around the estate. His keen eyes scan the foggy surroundings for any sign of intruders. Meanwhile, the Wraith, cloaked in invisibility, glides silently through the shadows, observing the Trapper from a distance.

The Trapper senses something is off but cannot pinpoint the Wraith’s exact location. He continues setting traps, each one a potential snare for his unseen adversary.

The Wraith sees his opportunity and, still cloaked, positions himself behind the Trapper. With a swift motion, he rings the Wailing Bell and uncloaks, swinging his Azarov's Skull weapon at the Trapper. The Trapper, anticipating an attack, turns just in time to block with his machete, the force of the blow sending both killers staggering.

The Trapper retaliates with a powerful slash, but the Wraith's agility allows him to dodge and vanish back into invisibility. The Trapper narrows his eyes, now fully aware of his opponent's capabilities.

The Trapper adjusts his strategy, using his traps to control the battlefield. He places them in high-traffic areas and near key hiding spots, creating zones of danger that limit the Wraith’s mobility. The Wraith, understanding the trap-laden environment, moves cautiously, using his invisibility to scout and avoid the traps.

The Trapper baits the Wraith into an ambush, pretending to be unaware of his presence. As the Wraith approaches, he steps into a hidden bear trap. The trap snaps shut, immobilizing the Wraith with a painful snap.

The Trapper seizes the advantage, rushing to the trapped Wraith. He swings his machete down, aiming to end the fight swiftly. The Wraith, despite the pain, manages to phase into invisibility, escaping the trap but leaving behind a trail of blood.

The Trapper follows the blood trail, his keen instincts guiding him. The Wraith, wounded but not defeated, rings the Wailing Bell again, preparing for another ambush. He strikes from the shadows, catching the Trapper off guard with a vicious slash across the back.

Both killers are now wounded, their movements slower but no less deadly. The Trapper, fueled by rage, sets one final trap in a narrow corridor and waits. The Wraith, aware of his adversary’s plan, tries to outmaneuver him but is forced into the corridor by the Trapper's relentless pursuit.

As the Wraith moves in for a final strike, he triggers the trap. The iron jaws snap shut around his leg, immobilizing him once more. The Trapper closes in, delivering a powerful, fatal blow with his machete. The Wraith, unable to escape this time, falls to the ground, defeated.

In a battle of strategy and resilience, the Trapper's strength and cunning ultimately prevail. Despite the Wraith's agility and stealth, the Trapper’s ability to control the battlefield with his traps and his sheer brute force secured his victory. The fog of the MacMillan Estate thickens, shrouding the scene of the brutal confrontation.

The Trapper

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