Huntress vs Trapper

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The Huntress (Anna):

Proficient with her hatchets, able to throw them with deadly accuracy over long distances. Skilled tracker and hunter, able to traverse the environment with agility and stealth.

Limited by the need to retrieve her hatchets after throwing them, can be vulnerable in close-quarters combat.

The Trapper (Evan MacMillan):

Physically powerful, adept at setting and utilizing bear traps to ensnare and injure his prey. Methodical and relentless in his pursuit of survivors.

Relies heavily on traps, which can be disarmed or avoided by survivors. Can be outmaneuvered by quicker opponents.

Location: The battle takes place on the sprawling grounds of the MacMillan Estate, a desolate and overgrown forest filled with the Trapper's deadly traps. Fallen trees and thick foliage provide ample cover for both killers to stalk their prey.


The Huntress moves silently through the forest, her ears attuned to the slightest sound of movement. She carries her hatchets with practiced ease, ready to unleash them at a moment's notice. The Trapper, meanwhile, sets his deadly traps among the trees, his eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of his opponent.

As the two killers circle each other, a tense standoff ensues. Both know the other is nearby, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

The Trapper, sensing an opportunity, lunges out from behind a tree, swinging his cleaver at the Huntress. She narrowly dodges the attack, leaping back and readying her hatchets. With a swift motion, she hurls a hatchet towards the Trapper, who sidesteps the projectile with surprising agility.

The Trapper retaliates by springing one of his traps, hoping to catch the Huntress off guard. She deftly avoids the trap, her keen reflexes saving her from injury.

The Huntress and the Trapper engage in a deadly game of cat and mouse, weaving between the trees and using the dense foliage to their advantage. The Trapper sets more traps, hoping to ensnare his elusive prey, while the Huntress continues to launch hatchets with lethal precision.

Despite their best efforts, neither killer can gain the upper hand. The Huntress manages to land a glancing blow with one of her hatchets, slicing the Trapper's arm, but he shrugs off the injury and presses on with unwavering determination.

As the battle intensifies, the Huntress and the Trapper close in on each other, their weapons poised for the final confrontation. The Huntress launches a barrage of hatchets at the Trapper, forcing him to dodge and weave to avoid being hit.

The Trapper retaliates by lunging forward with his cleaver, aiming to deliver a fatal blow. The Huntress narrowly evades the attack, but the Trapper's relentless assault leaves her with no choice but to engage in close-quarters combat.

With adrenaline coursing through their veins, the Huntress and the Trapper clash in a fierce melee. The Huntress dodges and parries the Trapper's attacks, her hatchets glinting in the dappled sunlight. The Trapper fights with brute strength, his cleaver swinging with deadly force.

In a final, desperate gambit, the Huntress manages to disarm the Trapper, knocking his cleaver from his grasp. Seizing the opportunity, she delivers a swift kick to his chest, sending him sprawling to the forest floor.

In the end, it is the Huntress's agility, precision, and quick thinking that secured her victory over the Trapper. Despite his formidable strength and cunning, he is no match for her deadly accuracy with her hatchets. As the Trapper lies defeated among the fallen leaves, the Huntress disappears back into the shadows, her victory assured.

Huntress wins

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