Chapter 2:pt1 The Specimen

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One year later at Guest Republic. Before the attack of Da'bries Village

A new character was introduce. they're slowly waking up. but the spotlight blocking them to see. difficult to see through in blurry vision. A Young 5'ft tall female and with straighten animal ears? and large tail?.. The female is confuse from unfamiliar surroundings. it sounds like that she's was experimented on. The words around her is irritating her. something like

"Scientist 1: Expirement-13549 is woken from unconscious state. proceeding operation procedures"
"Scientist 2: Initiating Elecidic Syringes."
"Scientist 3: Initiating Po2 Tube. Controls are online. Proceeding next phase."

She's getting scared to aware to what will happened to her. She's trembling. her ears are down. eyes are seeing things that shouldn't happened. A Moving artificial Tube like tentacle. is about to aim at her head. possibly draining her memory?  it's possible. But then when she reacts. The Artificial Tube lunged at her head and everything went black. But the Character woke up at her isolated cell room.. But the inside of her cell is nature like.? like she is in her home?...No. she's not in her home yet. she's still at the place of torments and pains. She hid herself on the corner and shaking her head with both hands To stop seeing traumatic things that are planted her on. She hid herself with her big fluffy tail to relax her. then everything cut shorted.

it all started at her dream. she's dreaming at her young age. seemingly look happy around her, The Birds, Animals, Natures. are singing along with ambience of relaxation. but then something that turns the table around. when she goes back to her home village. everything was caught on pink fire. She's trying to find her parents from the fire. But her home was destroyed by non other then. The Guest Republics...  they are shooting all non-magic Species like hers are were getting slaughtered. a guest leader. "Admiral" pointed a advance gun revolver at her. something shocks the Admiral's-Perspective. The Character Change her Formation into Dark monstrous animal that shouldn't existed. Her ferocious anger toward the admiral. She's-- using dark magic and with third eye on her forehead. Her eyes are darken. but her pupils remain bright light color. The Admiral is Suprise by her magic astral she's using.. His advance gun revolver turns it's mode to "Non-Lethal Electric Shock". that can make her unconscious. When she is preparing to charge at the admiral. She was later Shotted electrical shock by Admiral's hand gun. she fell collapse on a ground. she change herself to normal state. The Admiral commands his troops to capture her on detain cage. Escorted back to Guest Ship. She was awake from the shock. trying to attack every Guest troop. but the Cage bar is electrical. burnt her hands from touching it. Her last sight of seeing her Village burned down to the ground. while her people are dying screaming... The Ship Doors finally shuts the entrance.

The Character wakes up. from her dream.. She's not even scared from her dream, or even a nightmare. it's like she's getting use to it. After that. she brought her Toy plushie gifted from the guest republic scientist. and proceeds to climbs down from the tree. she set there Patiently. not reacting anything else. or even try to escape.. Behind the wall is the tinted glass wall. behind it, is a Scientist. or a Researcher perhaps?A new introduce character name. Dr. Erie. one of the Loyal-Scientist. of higher ranks of one of Imperial Lords. she's writing notes to check the behavior of Creature Act.

"Dr. Erie- Day 10. Experiment-13549 act patiently at her domain nature. waking up from a nightmare is her usually state. after 10 days. she has not say anything.special or even try to violate at one of my co-workers. further experiment connection with Dark world with her potential deadly magic. Furthermore. this conductionspecimen is our highly priority to gain access to limbo... End of notes."

a new Character introduce to be "Dr. Erie" one of the Imperial Lords and a Loyal-scientist to all Guest Republic including the Kingdom of Guestia. she is a Biologist and Specimen Researcher.

Her words sounds more like Scientistic. but lower tone are far aware of.

"Dr. Erie- Troops. makes sure to see if anything goes wrong at her cell If she even try to destroy one of my art piece box."

"Troop 1- and who the hell assign you to do this silly weird animal you are conducting with?."

"Dr. Erie- I am not asking again. if you try to avoid to my advice, I will personally open Armed Weapons at your head. sound clear?"

"Troop 1- y-yes ma'am... we'll take the task shortly.."

Dr. Erie with Aware voice tone is trembling the troops position..  Cause of course she is part of Imperial Lords. the troops are taking the task seriously guarding at the isolated cell. Dr. Erie is walking down on a hallway reaching at her Office area. Many of scientist is greeting Dr. Erie's Successful products she made earlier. looks like everyone is respecting her. But her face expression is nothing different. at her side view. when walking to a hallway. the side of the hallway is a large glass over 30 feet tall compare other size. Her heels steps sound larger with echoing stuff.

When she reach to the elevator. she finally made it at her office. but we introduce a new Character. President Guest were sitting at Dr. Erie's chair. The President Guest is looking at the outside view of larger number of buildings. he chuckle to see his city republic far from here. Dr. Erie is not happy at President Guest arrival.

"Dr. Erie- May i ask why you're here, Cloudhair?."

sounds like she's mocking the president guest now with different names. its like they hate each other as imperial lords.

"President Guest- Aaahh.. nothing much special actually. i do came to celebrate your new product you made weeks ago. seems like everyone loves your juice box. Or Cans.. the taste filled with unimaginable flavor that are your... Secret ingredient..."

"Dr. Erie- Cloudhair, i do really apricate you're concerns about my latest products. but seriously. what are you here for? is it the curfewbots? or what? they're malfunction?.. yeah good luck with that stuff.."

Dr. Erie set on a Visitor Chair, while she's turning her Notes over and over to find her Testament of the Creature.

"President Guest- no my dear friend. It's not about the weak Curfew bots we built years ago. i mean i do infact if you have any technology to share.."

"Dr. Erie- Are you kidding me? I am done with your robots Cloudhair, there's nothing you can do about it.."

"President Guest- Have mercy on your old pal! we can build more Industry factories that are built for us! we can build more Robots came from... Our animal experiment.."

Dr. Erie Pauses without any sudden movement. it's like she done something wrong from what she did.. her pupils are shrunken. like terrifying horror she saw Years ago.. She couldn't forget the Fail experiment.. President guest is taunting her nightmares to reminding her failure.. 

"President Guest- oh there is nothing to worry about your sudden failure i-"

"Dr. Erie- I don't want to hear any failures i made years ago.. if your talking about Conscious-Transfers-Cylinder-Tubes. they're perfectly fine to Disintegrate the Living things into Artificial Intelligence robots... my hypothesis never lies." 

"President Guest- i see.. Well i am having problem with other things.."

"Dr. Erie- Then what's the actual problem then?? if your just going to keep reminding me one of my failures!"

Dr. Erie Stood Up from the visitor chair and drop her check notes. Getting Angry to President Guest and Drops her hand on her own desk with a loud Thud.

"President Guest- it's about my Firstborn..."

Dr. Erie stops at angry at him.

"Dr. Erie- then why are you asking this new topic.."

"President Guest- it's... my wife.... she's gone..."

Realizing both of them are having troubles of female mothers are kept perishing from getting birth of new children. 

"President Guest- our citizen and numbers of female mothers are slowly dropping due to birth of new life form... and yet You did not do anything to prevent this.. You did have a success products. but not for female mothers are they?" 

"Dr. Erie- I'm sorry about your wife. cloudhair, But I promise I can make a cure to prevent this! I been doing this for-"

"President Guest- 5 years ago... that's where you started making them."

Dr. Erie went speechless, she'd knew she didn't started it... Erie is explaining all the details of a cure for female mothers to prevent dying after birth. 

"President Guest- that's enough for.. Conversation today. Apologize about sudden word from me, I will take my leave" 

The President Guest leaves her chair and proceed to walk to the entrance. His Agents open the doors for him, Dr. Erie stops him leaving. 

"Dr. Erie- Cloudhair!.. may i know what's your child name?.." 

President Guest hears this from her. and so he spoke her answer. 

"President Guest- Her name... is primrose.." 

Then the agents close the doors for the president guest.
Dr. Erie is felt.. emotional.. so she set at her office chair and looks down at her desk.. Then She throw all her work away from her desk. and starts to cry at her desk. She knew she failed to do that. her life is struggling to continue on. all Three Objectives is stressing her a lot.. Female Mothers Dropping. Issues with President guest Curfew bots. and now the last focus objective.. keep experimenting on Creature's Dark Potential Magic. 

in the next day. in a foggy rainy day
A new character introduce after arriving at Dr. Erie's Laboratory which are called "C.L.I.F.F" numbers of troops are aligning on laboratory's Helipad at the rooftop. a huge Two Propeller blades inside the wings are most far advance technology.
a helicopter futuristic thing perhaps.. After it landed on a Helipad. the troops are standing still from the wind resistance from a Advance Helicopter. the Door opens and it reveals to be "Admiral." One of the Imperial Lords and Conquer seas. looks like he came for a visit. He goes toward one of the scientist to ask where's Dr. Erie. she should be at his arrival. the Scientist said that she's at her office. And other things they said. She's stressing out. 

Admiral is aware about Dr. Erie's health. so he continues to go forward. He did not comes alone on arriving laboratory. it introduce a new character name "James Castin" a Young teenage troops Roughly 18 years old. sounds like the Admiral has a Son. James walks down from the helipad and now greeted by many troop soldiers. They're making fun of him cause he was part of Troops Military. he is almost matured adult..  He was also greeted by the Scientist. with respect. So James greeted at the scientist with respect. He was stop by his father Admiral. told him to get on the elevator to meet up Dr. Erie. James apologize the scientist by the Admiral's Interruption. So they all went on the Elevator. While the troop soldiers from the rooftop use the Citizen Stairs Evacuation Purposes to meet up the admiral. 

The Scientist at the rooftop looks speechless at looking reckless troops. When they reach at the Dr. Erie's Office. Erie's office has so many paperwork's at folders laying on the ground while the stack of papers at her desk. She's sleeping at her desk while her scientist uniform is messy and her coat Hanging on a chandler. James tries to resist laughing at her messy work. While The Admiral Remain emotionless to react. The Admiral told James to wake her up on her desk. so James shook her repeatedly.

Then She finally wakes up from her Nap. James is trying to resist his laugh at Dr. Erie's Face with papers on her.

Dr. Erie ask them what happened. The Admiral remains silent. But James said that she was sleeping at her then James take the papers from Dr. Erie's face, cause its a mess on her office by now. and also James said. Her and Admiral should be in a meeting about Confidential experiment that shouldn't be told by James. So Dr. Erie's Realize that it was today. So she's told everyone to leave at her office cause she need to change.. Admiral refuses cause he does not like to take orders. She's shock that he would stay at her office while she's changing. so she told James to leave the room. He agrees then leaves the room. 

Dr. Erie's Remote pad at her wrist closes the door automatically.

"Dr. Erie- so hey.. Why do you come to my Foundation so lately today?." She's open her wrist pad to automatically summons the "Detach changing room".

 to hide privacy of course. and so The Admiral Spoken Finally.

"The Admiral- about the creature i told you about.."

"Dr. Erie- oh.. what for actually?" she lost her lines, she has not taking any energy drinks to gain her minds again. She automatically summon a Wardrobes. Filled with Scientific clothes but comes with lazy clothes?. she chooses the lazy clothes with long sleeves and pink bunny logo at the t-shirt. then chooses a sweatpants. 

"The Admiral- Didn't you forget from what I said?" the Admiral is being impatient.

"Dr. Erie- sorry.. I haven't taken any medicine and Coffee today. so i easily forgot things yesterday"

She goes to the behind the Detach changing room to change her outfits. 

"Dr. Erie- mind if you uh.. you know, look away?.." "The Admiral- I don't take orders, stop yapping and change your Stupid clothes for sake." 

He is really impatient and angry. Dr. Erie isn't scared of him. cause she gets use to recognize his bad behavior. So she proceed to change while talking. The Admiral has not made any movement but to stand still, directly looking at the windows behind Dr Erie's Chair and Desk office. pretty cold weather .Erie is done changing her outfits into Lazy Sunday clothes. The Admiral look to her while she is tieing up her Blue Hair. Admiral has.. Odd felts but decided to ignores it. 

Without Scientific clothes. She is now called "Erie" cause with no scientific outfits. there are no "Dr." on it. why not. it is Lazy.

Erie made a automatic coffee dispenser and medicine given by her artificial robots. She set at her Office chair and ask Admiral to what's the problem they're having. Meanwhile James sounds like he was forgotten to open the door since Erie is done changing her outfits. 

There is a code combination at Erie's Office door. he did not want to mess with. Annnd he did mess it. now it said to wait 1 minute by some random number he add. 

James will take the elevator secretly but then he meets up with the scientist from the rooftop. James told them where are the experiments one. The Scientist Thought he knows the location but forgotten. they did not yet know if James already knew the confidential secrets. 

So they told him the location of underground experiment that are taken on elevator shaft. He thanked them and the scientist one look happy to help. James gets on the elevator that would lead to the underground laboratory. When he was reach to the under ground. he was founded by group of troops that are suppose to be waiting for Admiral and Erie. but instead 

it's the Admiral's Son. they all look disappointed so they go to different place to rest from standing forever. They don't care when the Admiral's son is at underground lab, So they let him be. After he explores different corridors and different section?.A-2?. B-6? C-9?. Sections 1. Section whatever. He is getting lost from all these section, now he forgot from where he came from. But then something caught his Attention to the sign said. "Project Portable Transfers" that is at Section 3. C-10. he goes to the door but it was only authorized by employees. 

So James ask other Scientist kindly to Open the Door. the Other Scientist is getting suspicious cause he has not have ID's. James said he lost it at his home, but instead he lies.

The Scientist Believes him so they open the door for him to enter. When they open the door for him.

James sees thing's that are more larger. .Everything was built in Caves. Especially with one Box of Isolated Cell in a middle of nowhere. he goes checks upon it but he was Stop by the Hazemat Worker He is disappointed to check inside the box. He found the Control rooms on upper side of the cave wall. Scientist are guarding there. but this time he wont ask for help. there was a scientist pass by and he succeed to snatch the ID from them. he gain access to the Control Room. He sees so many Scientist on the room. It's like they're conducting bigger project. some monitors at different Scientist's Desk. it shows a.... Feline Human-half breed? he was relief that she's okay. Somehow? But James need to know something else. He ask other Scientist.

"James- Hey. Other Science guy!. can you tell me who's in the box?"

"Scientist 1- Oh. That's Experiment-13549."

"James- No like. Does she has a Name?"

"Scientist 1- hmm. Not really. Others says that she's name to be different, Jonnah, Richel, Tunafish, whatever. She is part of Cultist Tribe. to our Neighbor island on the East"

"James- What did she do? every armed weapons aiming at her right now. Why?"

"Scientist 1- Well i uhh-"

"Scientist 2- We intentionally use them necessary if anything goes wrong that cause rampage at her. They're aren't really Deadly weapons. we use Non-lethal Electric Shock to prevent her moving or attempts to run away." 

"James- Sooo.. what kind of Experiments are these?"

"Scientist 1- Well it's actually simple, It's-"

"Scientist 2- Not going to tell you. We were announce you are the Admiral's Son, upon arrival. Since you were our visitor. taking tour is our pleasure to do so. to one of your Question, We won't tell you because it is a Confidential Forum Experiment. we really don't want to compromise it" 

"Scientist 1- wait really? i thought he-" 

Those two Scientist Are complaining about James Appearance. he thought they're just not the smartest scientist he went through. James looked to the Monitor and sees a Hazemat giving food to Creature. She is aggrovessive with the Hazemat person, So the Hazemat left with no Physical injury. The Character. Sees the food and munch the food at her mouth. James was gaze at The Character Gentle appearance with big fluffy tail and pointed Ears. these half-breeds these 11 days of containment are crazy.

The Room was Announce by the Speaker. that the Admiral and Erie is arriving to the location of where James at. 

So he hid behind somewhere, where he wont be found easily.. eventually. When The Admiral and Erie Arrives at the underground cave location. they went to the Control room. so James are stand still from hiding. James hears Admiral and Erie talking about the The Character.. something isn't right for him. 

"Admiral- is this where you been doing on?."

"Erie- well yes exactly. it's just ordinary containment of Experiment-13549. I made all the possible to uhh. connect her to the Dark world but nothing is Effecting her after 11 days.. she has not talk. react. or attempts to go violence to one of my co-workers." 

"Admiral- How Intriguing.."

"Erie- The process is slow. it's hard for her to understand the meaning of her potential As'trals.""Admiral- Then Make it fast. i want to see what's the inside of her mind." 

"Erie- but we can't do it fast enough to speed up the process. it could entirely break her mind if we fail-... some of are just secret." 

"Admiral- i saw what happened. she turn into Corrupted Magic. and somehow connected with the dark world with her third eye." 

"Erie- Admiral.. her third eye has not awaken after 11 days. no changes of her status by now.. we can wait for over-"
"Admiral- i am not waiting for months, You better be useful for the only 5 days left."

"Erie- But Admiral please! i can be good this time! If you can give me more time I will give you to my Approval as good as much for you!"  

"Admiral- How can you be good as a Imperial Lord?.." 

Erie is shock.. getting scared of being failure.. a failure of her own country. rejection.. The Admiral sees her emotional. 

she look down to the ground, almost.. tearing?.. she's almost crying..? The Admiral thought it would took her seriously but he taken too far. So he'd grab her jaw to look up at him. 

"Admiral- If you want to earn Approval toward me., i won't be disappointed." 

Erie is having her light back from Admiral's speech. Admiral pats her shoulder then hides his hand behind. 

They Both look directly at the box from where The Character is kept. James is confuse. is his father trying to cheer up the loyal-scientist? Obviously He was hearing the conversation from them but not expecting to be romantically, 

"Admiral- where's James.. i not said anything to leave him be alone without my permission,"

"Erie- we didn't leave him outside of my office did we?.." 

James fell from behind of a certain. the scientist in his way was shock. James then slowly standing up and to see his father Admiral.. Oof.. he's really in big trouble. 

"Admiral- what's the meaning of this?" The Admiral look angrily at James for being disobedience. 

"James- Dad. please. i was only exploring the facility, everyone here is happy to greeted whenever i go!" 

"Admiral- I don't want to hear the excuses, Your going to be in great danger when i get the hand out of you.." 

"James- But dad please! you need to understand from what i-"

"Admiral- I said I don't want to hear your Awful excuses for a reckless child!"

with a Loud tone of intimidating word coming from his father. he was now force to be at his place.

He apologizes the Admiral for being reckless of going alone all by himself. and so on, The Admiral told Erie he will be taking his leave to his navy base. but he told the reason of why he bought James with him,  Because he wanted to be taken care of by Erie. Since after his leave. He need to be leading his Marine Soldiers and Battle Ships to plan the strategy to  attack the Bacon Merchant Ships.. cause they can't be allow to go in of the guest territory. He owns the sea himself. so he plans to shuts all merchant Trade lane. Erie, Understood about the Admiral's objective. and so she will be taken the task seriously. James feels guilty of being non-behave around the Admiral. he stands there looking down on a ground squishing his both hands of guilty. Obviously these both parent has disconnective bond. sounds like the Admiral is being abusive or harassing it's own it possible, that couldn't be that was from his wife's fate as too?.. These problems are getting worser

The Admiral left the Control room with no physical interaction, Or like he won't like to say Goodbyes or farewell. but Decided to not to, And leave them be .After the Admiral left to get on to his Advance Helicopter Escort Vehicle. It's left with Erie and James on the room, but James stills stays at his place? is he scared of Admiral's mad tone at him?. 

"Erie- come on.. I'll show you to the guest room. Maybe that can calms you down." 

With Erie's instruction. James act formally of taken the task. she bought James to the elevator, reaching at the guest room that are for James. It was likely said from the Admiral's instruction, He'd only left him there for about 5 days for one week. then he can come back to the Marine military base. Erie attempts to comfort James from terrible action of Admiral's demands.. James is okay, he set on his own bed to chill him out. and place his marine- 

Cap hat near to him. James looks emotionless, Erie felt the same way. Erie ask James if he needs anything. so with the split second of leaving Jame's room. Erie is making sure that he's okay. then she left his room. James is gripping his arm on his leg as he was so angrily mad for what he done. he threw his Marine Cap Hat on the ground furiously.

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