Chapter 2:pt4 'To The Night We Met'

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after that. James and Erie finish their meal on the cafeteria, Everyone on the building went home to the city, Erie and James walked down to the halls, beside them is a huge window directly at city lights. Their walking is oddly funny to hear to imagine Both of their shoes are bunnies that squeaks. and their attire are like pajamas. Erie has look astonishing look with purple-color scheme robe. Her hair are tied to her side of her head. For James, he look ordinary with Navy color scheme robe and all. he has really curly hair with all the showering. Erie told James to what happened to his hair during showering, And he said he dislikes the automatic wet-blower on the shower. So he wants to dry them once they got to the rooms.

After they got on the Elevator. they reach to the guest room where James rooms are on. Erie escorts him safetly to his room. James dry his hair. and comb himself, Erie wants to help comb his hair but James refuses. Erie understood him. They both talk a little for the next day for their plan. and both of them says a good night nap. before she left. She sees James sleeps very peacefully. she close the lights and closes the door for him. 

the scene changes to different part of sleeping. It's James on a Battle Ship Vessel and with his father "Admiral" They're traveling in a very rough weather, Rains are dropping loud. tidal waves getting higher. Admiral is unphase of this issue. looks like he has everything control. James secretly want to leave Admiral alone on the Helm room. Admiral notices him James is prepared to be punished again. but Admiral has change his mind. James got permission to explore the ship. but he needs to get to his bedroom to sleep. James understood his words. so he left the helm room and proceed to go different each of corridors. but actually. He is not planning to sleep but to Go to Cargo room where other Creatures are captured. animals are squerking fear, Trying to get to escape. but those electrical bars stops them escaping. James keeps exploring until he found Riverna traps on the cage. he goes toward it but she is really scared of him. She goes far edge to the cage bars but then it Electrified her behind. She screeches painfully. James tries to comfort her surroundings. He slowly knees down on the floor. to get her attention. He spread his arm that he has not carry any armed weapons.  Riverna is slowly calm to see him. James knew she is so frantic with traumas countering with Admiral She lost her home. she won't try to escape or do anything bad things. James wants to communicate her, so he started the basic to ask her name out. She has not say anything. only confuse till her head was tilted in confusion. James tries to do sign-language. but It did not work for her. Interesting enough. He has no ideas to figure it out how to make her understand. and then something caught his eye to the white board on Worker's table. James walks towards it, Riverna look at him straight fully. trying to understand him as well? James got the equipment's, Marker and White board is needed. He attempts to use English Alphabet. and yes. Of course that Riverna couldn't understand Alphabet too. James Final Option is to use the classic symbols. He drew a person waving. Riverna caught the attention and begins to wave at James and the white board. James finally got her to understand the symbols. As he continues to draw more and more. The bond grew bigger. So for final question for Riverna. James draw a person and another person that is identical Riverna's Appearance. James wants to know her name. so she wrote her name on the white board slowly. Split second They're interrupted by the Three Elite Troops Cutting her name off. Riverna's instinct kicks in but her arm got accidentally electric shocked. The Elite Troops Escorted James back to his room. Admiral knew that he would be disobedience. Riverna is screeching, calling James. James tell her that He will be fine once he got to her. Without The Symbol-Language. she won't understand him as She continues screaming on the cage. The other elite troop bangs the cage with Electric bat... the bat is charging...James is aware that these Troops are going to Hurt her... James demands them to stop. He is the son of Admiral.. nobody listen. The Troop Abuse her with The tools and continues to Electric shocks Riverna continuously, Until the Electrical Bat is out of charge..

James.. seeing her... torture... no.. He won't let them hurt her. James Takedown one of the Troops easily. other troops try to stop him. But James rush towardly to the Abusive Troop to stop hurting her. He'd Jump kicked The Abusive Troop on the ground and was easily fall on the ground. James uses one of the Abusive Troop's electric bat and Hits the Abusive Troop Continuously. Until the Electrical Bat is out of charge..  Riverna looks at James ferocious attacks at the Troop. Violating the Troops so bad. James hears the troop behind him. he throw one of the electrical bat and successfully hits the elite troop's face. then he stomp on the Abusive troops Leg really hard. James was distracted. He was tackled by the troop earlier that he takedown. He is unable to do that again. but then James uses Riverna's cage to push the Elite troop get electrocuted. Everyone is Unconscious. James looks to Riverna. then Riverna looked back. James uniform was wet because of the cargo door was open. there is a lot of Thunder outside. Riverna is amazed by James.. But Riverna sees the Troop charging at him. She squeaks at him. James was distracted. then the Troop finally got him. James is unconscious.. The Troop help them these Injured troops from James Disrespectful Attack. The other troop Helps the very severed injured Abusive Troop. and now James was drag along the wet floor. And Riverna couldn't do anything.. She only look James helplessly.. then James was thrown to the room and locked the door..

After the incident. the ship was later docked on Guest Republic. Then James was found out by his father. The Admiral is Furious. Injuring The Best Three Elite Troops was not an Option For attacking one of its Soldiers. The Admiral is Displeased. Even though James Defended himself. he was not approve by his martial art skills. he called it reckless. James was only Protecting Her, Those Troops was abusing her. But the Admiral Didn't listen and continues complaints. James looked really injured. then James look to the Window outside the Docking area. He sees Riverna is escorted on the Truck. She's continues to go Aggressive on every workers around her. after the Admiral is done complaint the James Reason. James ask his father where she will be taken. Admiral replied that She will be experimented on the Laboratory by the authority of Doctor. Erie, James complains that She hates to be experiment, and continue to stop him doing this. The Admiral Didn't Care. So James is now left alone.. no one can help him. neither nobody can.

After all that issue with the Admiral. James goes back to the Battle Ship Vessel to Return something. he hopes that nobody takes the white board last night. When he go to the Cargo Room. all the animals are escorted..

including Riverna.. He pauses at first. but found something on a wet floor. He walks toward it and to see the White board was flop opposite ways of the white board. When he turns it around. The Markers drawn on the board made by Riverna that her name is "Rel"??

It was a confusing. cause she lost grip of writing it before the interruption of the Elite Troops. so he'd take the board with him but something.. Magic.. inside the White board.. it's glowing with dust and magic particle and all. Looks like it's only visible when it was wet. So he place the board on the wet Floor Then he found out her real name. Her name is to be revealed "Riverna Sulaikrian" with the magic Particle dust reveals it for him.

So James got out of the Cargo room with the White-board. he's father on the Back of a Vehicle Escort is waiting for him. so he hops on to the vehicle. while the Vehicle starts to move. the Admiral is not even want to ask about why James bought the white-board. so the Admiral is only focusing on Training session and Mission Objectives on the notes for the Ships and Marine secret plan mission..

Everything was cut.
Were back to be at James real time. Waking up from the dream he couldn't imagine though. James wakes up with a Curly hair. Very curly. So he was begin to prepared his first Test interacting with Riverna. After he is done of preparing. he sees the White-board he bought a week ago.. thinking it again.. He knew it is important. so He brings the White-Board with him as well. And He Proceeds to continue going to the Test.

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