The Dinonuggie accident

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Just a final touch and I'll be finished with my drawing. I'm so happy Mallie gave me an tablet with procreate on it for my birthday. And... just as I'm about to finish the last detail the door slams open making me mess up the drawing "someone better be dea-" before I finish Mallie cuts me off a panicked looks on her face

"we ran out of dinonuggies" blood drains from my face. I freeze. Did she just say what I thought she said?

"you're joking" I hope. She shakes her head and gulps "this can't be. We never run out of dinonuggies" I'm mentally praying for this to be a dream. "uhm...uhh....we can go to the store hopefully there's some" I try to find solutions to the lack of dinonuggies before this escalates too much.

"it's a holiday Ash! The stores are closed!! We're gonna die!" she cries and drops onto my bed.

"calm down we have to find a way. Can't we make something else for dinner ?" I stand up and sit beside her cross legged "noooo!" she cries. I pat her head.

***20 minutes later ***

"you know what? We're gonna find dinonuggies even if I have to leave the house!" she stands up and list her fist in the air. I tilt my head and look at her with admiration for her determination. The it hits me! "call Melissa! Maybe she has dinonuggies!"

She looks at me as if I just invented gravity "i love you so much" she sandwiches my face between her hands and pulls me in. She pulls away after a few seconds "you're the smartest person I know" she grabs her phone and calls her sister
"hey sis! Yeah hi. Do you have dinonuggies by any chance. I know I'm not 8 but come on please. For me...and Ash" she gasps "thank you thank you thank you !" she hangs up "she said yes!!" I chuckle "we're finally gonna get our well deserved dinonuggies!!" after celebrating we went over to her sister's house and finally ate the dinonuggies. How I love my girl.


I'm so happy this chapter is finally out and I can't wait to finish the other 😆🌈

Remember to drink and eat love you bbgs

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