Mini argument 🤠 ❤️‍🔥

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Please if your name is Ida or Jacob and you know me don't read this.

"no but hear me out Applejack has the bod and she's super cool" Mallie said in a 'matter of fact' way.

"but Fluttershy's cute and she's good with animals" Ash tries to make a point.

"Fluttershy' always quiet and literally doesn't talk" Mallie rolled her eyes.

"Applejack is egoistic" Ash responded "so your type?" Mal asked. "what no!" Ash blushed and paused "okay maybe but Fluttershy's better fight me"

"I'm stronger"
"I'm older"
"I'm taller"
"shut up"

Mallie stuck her tongue out jokingly. "make me" Ash grabbed her chin and pulled her closer

Ash kissed her. Mallie grinned and held her waist as she bit her lower lip snaking her tongue in the brunettes' mouth. Ash cupped her cheek as they kept making out on the couch


Mallies' phone rang. Mal gasped and shot up her hair messier than it was 10 minutes ago. "shit" she muttered. "what?" Ash groaned opening her eyes with a frown and sitting up leaning on her elbows.

"my parents" Mallie said in a rush putting on a proper shirt "you forgot?"

"how did you forget?" Ash sat up and buckled her belt closed her eyes half-lidded. Mallie groaned stressed. Ash stared at har favorite girl which was now pacing around. Ash smirked her voice a bit groggy "you're blushing" she paused so did the blonde. "it's cute" Ash tilted her head smiling as if her neck wasn't littered in bites and hickeys. Mallie looked down realizing how red she was.

"get dressed" Mal looked up "yep" the brunette answered fast getting up and going to their room to change while Mallie took the phone and answered her parents.

5 minutes later

Mallie stood at the door in a nice outfit while Ash walked out of their room and put her shoes on. "ready" Mallie smiled and closed the door.


I wrote the first 200 words in class because I was bored and glad to say I like it.


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