Basics In Behaviour

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" this the right school...?"
As a girl looking at her new school
"Paper? Strange, but ok"

When she entered her school, she's a bit distracted with the noisy sounds and many of people ngl
"Hello, are you the new student?"
Ask a boy to the girl
"Yes, uhm, can you tell me the principal room...?"
"Oh! Sure, I can take you there"
"Thank you!"

As they walked into the principal room the girl asked the boy
"Can I know....your name?"
"Oh, hello! My name is Oliver! What's yours?"
"I'm Alice"
"Wow, you have a pretty name"
"Thanks Oliver"
Oliver just smiled at Alice, as they arrived at the principal room, Oliver stop
"Goodbye Alice! I hope we can be friends!"
"Yeah, same with me"


So yeah

She just do the thing and become a new student, yay :3
She's excited about her class (and nervous)
Anw, when she arrived there, the teacher commanded Alice to make an introduction
"Oh? Yeah. Uh hi. My name is Alice blablablabla"
As she done with her introduction, she's sit on a chair next to Oliver.

Alice POV:
The teacher said we just have to make an assignment summarizes with a group while waiting the exam results to be revealed (except the new student :3) so I did it with Oliver and the girl that was named....Zip? Ngl weird name (SORRY LMAOOHAHAHA--)

As I do the tasks with my new friends someone keep throwing paper planes to me, and I'm become pretty annoyed so I'm staring at behind me.

Huh why're they laughing like that, so goofy.

"Erm Alice, they're the jerks that always bullying students especially new students like you, ignore them."

Oliver said with a pretty much an annoyed face similar to me

"Oh ok, can I know their name, the Feathers biatch, the Short girl, and the Soap head?"

"Oh so the soap head is Bubbles, that boy is Engel, and the short girl is Bloomie"

"Oh ok, Bubbles? Fits for her head, and Engel? Sounds ironic to his behaviour tbh"

"Just ignore them, they're not worthy of your time."

"Okay! Thanks Oliver"

He's smiled again, dawg his smile made my heart flutters

Continue on the next chapter!

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