✧ Part Five

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Alice's POV:

"The fuck is wrong with those three bitches...."
I get up with my numb body, gosh! Why is this happened in my first day at school????
It's because of those brats, I'm rooting for them to dead rn....
I go to up there, taking my things then go upstairs with a REALLY badmood
I walked in the halls with me staring at the floor, scared and worried if the teacher will mad if I late at their lesson


I sense a person standing in front of me, who is it? I wonder...
I raised my head to see who's standing in front of me.

Mister Edward.....? Wait he's holding a...

Mister Edward standing in front of me, holding a paper with an "F" in it and the stressed expression looks clear in his face...

"F...? Wait, how tf-"

He's holding a cutter!? Welp I'm in danger now-

I run as fast as I could with him chasing me, gosh he's so fast, is my death is gonna come now!? WHY IN MY FIRST DAY--

I hide in a locker, he can't see me, welp thanks for God he's map blind

I came out of the locker where I had just been hiding, there's another teacher again, Miss Lana? Okay, what did I do to deserve this bi-
I threw a book at her, hoping she would get distracted, but she easily ripped the book with her puppet or something like that, this crazy slu-

Anyways I run with my full energy and hope that I will be finally safe, but I just saw another teacher, that's Mister Abbie....

"What did I do to deserve this?"

I ran into the left path, I kept running and running but they didn't stop their chasing... Until I was cornered with three teachers who were chasing me, kys bitch

I found a chance to run again, I tried to use that LITTLE hole to run but Mister Edward caught me and he threw the cutter to my leg, OW! BASTA-

I tear up, seeing my death with my own eyes, ready to get stabbed by Mister Abbie, I just closed my eyes but...

"I am ready for my death................this bitch took so long to kill me.........tf"

I opened my eyes to see what was going on, and...
Oliver's protecting me, He was holding Mister Abbie's big ass needle weapon
There were a few seconds of silence before I-
"Oliver!? What are you-"
"Run!" he said
It took me seconds to think, what about him? What if he's killed.....? No, I have to run, he risked his life for me, I have to alive
I tried to run fast but my hurted leg didn't let me.... So I'm just walking slowly while seeing Oliver get kaboom by Mister Abbie....
I continue, but I saw Circle disgusting corpse and a woman's head.... oh gosh....

"Oh my God.....this is a nightmare....what if I ended up like that.....? What if...... haahh.....haah...."

I'm having a hyperventilating with my body shaking violently but as I look at my behind, Mister Abbie looking at me with a scary ">:D" face

I run run and run, still scared
But in my eyes, my front eyes, there's an exit.....? Exit?

What about Oliver? Can't I go to the exit with him?

Well..... There's no time to think that, I have to exit this school with crazy teachers

I immediately entered the door in a hurry, but the teachers looked at me in fear and panic, I wonder why? But there's no time to think that, the important part is that I escape from this hellhole

3rd POV:

Alice entered the exit door, hoping she would escape, but.....
What she sees is not the outside
A very dark room with
A girl with a scary appearance, her face looks ready to murder Alice

Alice was shocked beyond words to see a girl who looked like a monster, then the scary summons many black sharp thingy from the floor, fortunately, Alice jumped at the right time, so the sharp thingy didn't hurt her, but the scary girl jumped and moved so fast, making the sharp thingy become her own floor, she jumped so high, then using her sharp claws to hurt her left eye, Alice falling down with a fatal fall, that hurts her whole body, the scary girl didn't give up and continuing her chasing

She chases Alice while trying to hurt Alice with her claws, Alice just runs away, screaming some help, hoping if anyone can help her, but unfortunately, no one wanted/was able to help her

She is almost tearing up, tired with all of these bullshits but still having a hope that she can escape from this hellhole alive

There was an exit, she hurriedly went to the original exit, trying to open it, but it's locked she tried so hard SO hard

But destiny more in favor of the girl


She's in huge despair, seeing the girl in front of her, ready to kill her, she let out her sharp claw, then....

"Hey! What's happening rn?"
"Oh God... I can't even see the corpse, it's too cruel for me!"
"That looks horrible, rest in peace for her"
Said peoples, surrounding something

Oliver who's alive, curious about Alice well-being
He tries to pass through crowds of people, he pushes the principal, and the principal gives him a bombastic side eye.
He looked at the corpse, completely shocked, then he screamed of shock

"Alice? You can't be serious right? This is not you.......right.........?"

It's Alice corpse, she is ripped into half by that scary girl, her organs are exposed too, ugh, looks disgusting...

Oliver fell on his knees, crying hysterically, holding Alice's corpse, in grief because he lost his (crush) friend

On the other hand, Engel and Bubble are laughing
Then Engel ripped the fake exit paper, the real words are "Claire's room"

They laughed again, ofc the legendary goofy laugh, until Mister Abbie and his geng come to them

"Bubble! Engel! What are you doing?

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