✧ Part Four

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Alice's POV:

When I'm talking with Oliver, a bell ringing
"Hey, Alice, it's already the next lesson bell, cmon, I can show you the library"

"Library? This is gonna be so fun! I hope we can read together with peace :)"

"I hope so, anyways, follow me"


Oliver's POV:

As Alice started following me, I'm excited and idk what the reason is, but my heart is beating so fast...am I falling in love with her.....?



"Can I hold your hand?"

"Huh? I-I..."
Is she being for real? Ugh I wanted to hit my chest, why am I always blushing and stuttering?


"Great! Thank you, Oliver!"
As she smiled and blushed again at me, I just smiled back at her and blushing too ofc

As we arrived at the library, I could see the stars on Alice's eyes, she's amazed and running around the library like a child, ngl I like her childish behaviour, it's cute

Wait no-
So she's now the one who's talking now, I'm just be a listener, her voice is so addictive I swear...
As I listened to her, suddenly, some trash drone picking Alice, ugh, it's the jerks-
No- they're worse than jerks
The trio bitches do the bullying again, their trash drone picking Alice and dropping her to the library gap

I wish I could help her.....
When I'm about to escort Alice, the bell rings again, I'm worried about her, is she gonna be okay....? I'm sorry Alice, this is my fault...
I went to the next class with an upset and nervous face, I'm so nervous... what if she...

Well as I kept yapping, Zip made me aware and comforted me, I'm so lucky to have Zip as my friend....
I hope she's okay though....

Meet the next chapter! Sorry if it's short :<

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