✧ Part Two

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Alice's POV:

And I just ignoring them cuz I have to focus on my bbg olive-
I mean I have to focus on my task
When the exam results have been distributed to all students.
They seems happy, but I'm surprised that the trash trio have good grades, like, how
Idc, as long as I can see Oliver's smile. But... I saw someone's different, it's a girl being panicked because of something
I saw the teacher yelling at the girl and breaks a table

Poor her..

"Oliver, who's them? And why is the teacher..."

"Oh, that's Mister Abbie and Circle, it seems that she failed her math exam"

Circle? Huh, another weird name

Then Mister Abbie suddenly let out a needle and making Circle lady scared and standing up from her seat then running to the halls followed by Mister Abbie chasing her

"Huh? That's strange, I hope she's okay..."

3rd POV:

As Circle shouting and crying while being chased by Mister Abbie, she's running in the halls as fast as she could, but Mister Abbie still can following and keeping up with Circle's speed
Then a girl who's learning in some room hearing noises, running noises? Better check that up
Then Circle have no choice but run into a room and blocked the door so Mister Abbie can't get in to the room, but she's not that strong, dawg she thinks she can passed the math exam with that small brain? I don't think so--
Anyways, she's not that strong and obviously the door breaks then she falls down to the floor, completely resigned to her situation and her death which was starting to get close in her eyes

"I...I... *sniffs* I..."

He's starting to get pissed because she's didn't answering his question
He rips the paper into pieces with a creepy wide smile

As Circle is now scared af and she can just peed her pants, she's just closed her eyes

The Mister Abbie doing the villain laugh, he's then stab Circle in the head and beat her with his needle
A girl named Thavel who just arrived there become shocked at the sight of Circle's dead corpse
Mister Abbie just lifting Circle's lifeless body then eating half of her body (GENYA VIBES!!1!1!1!)

Thavel is so shocked that she can't move and about to tearing up
But Mister Abbie already sees her and.....

See you in the next chapter!

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