✧ Part Three

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3rd POV:

Well forget the last one.
3 kind teachers is walking in the halls with their scary faces and weapons

Alice who's staring at them with bombastic side eye style, she's curious about them, so she thinks she should ask the scary teachers to bbg Oli-
Ugh mistake again, she thinks she should ask them to Oliver, her new friend

Alice's POV:

As I got to the pool, I'm so excited seeing Oliver
He noticed me too, he who was watching the aquarium, faced me, then waved to me while smiling saying small hi
I blushed with his smile, why does he have to be this handsome!!
Erm anyways, I'm going to him and asking something I want to ask when I'm staring at the goofy ahh scary faces teachers

"Hi Oliver! How are you?"
I started the conversation with the topic of small talk first

"I'm good, hbu?"

"I'm good too! Especially when I look at your cute sm-"

There's silence before he chuckling with a little blush

"Haha! Nice rizz Alice"

He doesn't ilfeel to me right? Good

"Yeah haha, sorry if that makes you uncomfortable"

"No, that kinda makes me flustered tho"

Then we laughed together again

"Haha! By the way, do you know the three teachers that are walking in the halls? I mean I know Mister Abbie but I wanna know the people that are walking next to him"

"Them? Yes I know them, they're the scary teachers, the woman's name is Miss Lana, and the other one is Mister Edward"

Ooh... cool name unlike the others that have weird names like Cir-

"Wow, thanks for answering my question Oliver! I lo- you're so cool!"

"Haha...you got me flustered... No need to be like that, I'm not that amazing"

"But you are really like that!"
As I reflex brought my face closer to him



He's so flustered that his face is like a tomato

"U-uh t-thanks Alice... I'm s-so g-grateful h-h-having you as a friend..."

"Ah...erm...no problem...hehe sorry..."

I stepped back, respecting his personal space, dawg why am I like this...

"Uh, anyways--"

He tried to bring a conversation with me and I just followed the conversation as I analysing the mess in the pool

Uhh... there's a crazy robot, and preppy girls ahh vibes talking, but they got wet since Bubbles jumped to the water very hard, Engel and Bubbles swimming in the pool like crazy, and then Bloomie who's thrown water by Bubbles and a cute kid besides her in a BIG ship

"Wow... many kinds of people are here"

As I think that in my thoughts

Meet you in the next chapter!
Srry it's short and this is more like Aliver/Olice perspective :')

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