Chapter Eleven: "You can't kill us"

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I gulped, taking a step back and Derek looked at his best friend in shock. "What the fuck?" he exclaimed.

Mickey started taking off the cloak as he spoke, "Since Derek here disappeared on my ass, I've been alone all night. Thanks a lot, partner!"

"You motherfucker! Hazel, you know me better than that. Untie me."

"Oh my God," I breathed out, looking between the two.

"No, Hazel," Derek looked at me brokenly.

Mickey smirked, "It's okay, Derek, we got her."

"No, Hazel, please. Listen to me. You know me better than that. He's lying."

Mickey took another step forward, causing me to move away from the two. "What do you think, Derek? Hazel experiencing a little deja vu?" Mickey laughed.

"Hazel! He's lying! Please, untie me! He's lying!"

"Hmm, best friend, killer, best friend, killer, best friend, killer," Mickey joked.

Derek struggled against the ropes, glaring daggers at Mickey. "No, I am gonna fucking kill you! You are dead! I am gonna fucking kill you!"

Mickey's smile dropped as he raised the gun he had been holding and shot Derek right in the chest.

"Derek!" I screamed, rushing over to him, trying to put pressure on his would as tears flooded my vision.

He looked at me sadly, groaning in pain. "I would never hurt you," he whispered before his head dropped forward.

I turned to Mickey, anger flaring up.

"You really should work on your trust issues Haze. I mean seriously, if you would have just untied him, maybe he wouldn't be dead right now," he laughed, shaking his head.

"Fuck you!" I yelled, my hands balling into fists.

"Oh! So vulgar! You think Billy and Stu would put up with that?"

I clenched my jaw at his mention of them. "Don't talk about them you sick fuck!"

He smirked, pointing the gun at me when I took a step forward. "Ah, just like them! But they were sick fucks who wanted to get away with it all. Mickey is a sick fuck who wants to get caught. You see Haze, I have it all planned out. I have my whole defense planned. I'm gonna blame the movies. It's pretty cool, huh? It's never been done before. And wait till the trial, cause these days, it's all about the trial! Can't you see it? The effects of cinema violence on Americans. I'll get Cochran or Dershovitz to represent me. Bob Dole on the witness stand in my defense. Hell, the Christian coalition will pay my legal fees. It's airtight Haze!"

"You're psychotic!" I spat.

"Yeah well, that'll be our little secret."

I felt Derek's necklace in my pocket, and pulled it out, "You're forgetting one thing about the Woodsboro Murders," I said, causing him to look at me in curiosity.

"Yeah, what's that?" he asked.

"I fucking won!" I exclaimed, bringing my hand up and smacking him in the face with the necklace, causing him to drop the gun in surprise. I used that to my advantage, kicking him. "You piece of shit!" I exclaimed as he grabbed my leg, pulling me down to the ground with him.

I saw the gun, reaching for it, almost having it in my hands before he dragged me back, grabbing it himself.

Derek's body raised in the air, distracting Mickey and I long enough for us both to be able to get up. "Now, who's doing that? Could that be... a mystery guest waiting in the wings? Told you I had a partner, surprise cameo just for you!"

A door on the set opened, and I looked over, gasping when Gale walked through. "Gale?" she shook her head and another person walked in, pointing a gun at Gale. "Hallie?" I exclaimed in shock.

She smirked, "Surprised?"

"What? How?" I stammered, looking between her and Mickey in shock. "I saw you die."

"No, you thought you did. Thought you were smarter than that, to fall for it again."

I thought back, remembering Billy doing this exact same thing. I should have known. I glared at the two as Gale started making her way towards me.

"Ah, ah, ah," Mickey tsked, shooting her immediately. She screamed, falling down into the orchestra pit.

"Gale!" I yelled out, but didn't move any closer, as I now had two guns pointed at me. I looked between the two before settling my gaze on Hallie. "Mickey told me his motive, what's yours?"

She shrugged, "Fame. Glory. Money." She narrowed her eyes at me. "That was it at the start. But then, the more I hung around you, the more my hatred grew. You get everything. The fame. The fans. Every girl on campus wanted to be you and every guy wanted to be with you. It's not fair."

I shook my head, "I didn't want any of that."

"Please, don't tell me you didn't enjoy every second of it," she scoffed.

"I didn't. I never asked for any of it. I came here to escape it all. To have a quiet life with Randy." My voice broke when I said his name and Mickey laughed.

"Randy Meeks. He was the most satisfying kill," he said. "I had been waiting for so long. And you should have seen his face, he was terrified."

I felt tears forming, and I started to shake in anger at his words. "Stop."

"When he heard you," he laughed, "his eyes lit up. He truly loved you. Such a shame I killed him so quickly after that. Would have enjoyed seeing the hope a little longer."

"You fucker!" I yelled, wanting nothing more than to rip him to shreds.

They both laughed, taking steps closer to me. "Seems we hit a sensitive subject," Hallie said with a smirk. "Poor Randy didn't stand a chance. If he would have seen himself as the nameless extra he truly was, maybe he wouldn't have died."

"Keep his name out of your mouth," I spat.

"Or what? We all know you'd be shot before you even laid a hand on either one of us," Mickey said.

"You can't kill us," Hallie smirked.

I noticed movement behind them and felt more adrenaline in my system. Suddenly, the lights on the stage, except for a spotlight on us, turned off. "Maybe she can't, but I can," a dark, deep voice said just before Hallie gasped in pain, dark blood soaking through her shirt.

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