Chapter Twelve: "I won't miss this time."

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Mickey looked over at his partner in shock and I took his distraction to my advantage, kicking him in the groin. He stumbled back, doubling over in pain.

I looked back over to see a masked figure pulling a knife out of Hallie's back, letting her fall to the ground.

Another figure came out of the shadows, and Mickey looked at the three of us. He laughed, shaking his head. "Guess we weren't the only ones with a copycat idea," he said.

"Think again, dipshit," the voice said before the two took their masks off.

Mickey looked at them in pure disbelief, but I felt a weight being lifted off of me, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. They're here. They are finally right here in front of me.

"I knew you fuckers weren't dead," Mickey said with a breathy laugh. He looked between them and me, his brows furrowing. "Wait a second, don't tell me," he shook his head, laughing some more. "You knew they were here?"

I nodded, giving him a harsh stare. "Of course I knew."

"And you didn't think to tell the police? What kind of survivor does that?" He raised his brows, pointing between the three of us with his gun. "Unless, you're protecting them?"

I sucked in a breath, "So what if I am?"

"That means, their motives, to be with you- you're in love with them! Oh this is rich! Did Randy know about this?"

I glanced at my boys who were watching the two of us intensely, trying to figure out a way to take him down without the gun going off as it was pointed at me. "No, he didn't know."

"Wow, I wonder what else you kept him in the dark about." I took a step closer to him, my eyes narrowing. "I wonder if he'd still have been with you if he knew about your love for a couple of psychopaths? Or that you were protecting them, lying for them? Would he have still loved you? Still made that promise? Still died for you?"

I couldn't take it anymore, "Leave Randy out of this!"

Suddenly, a gunshot went off, hitting me in the stomach. I screamed, stumbling forward. Mickey rushed to me, grabbing me before I hit the ground, pulling me up and twisting me around so my back was against his chest, the gun in his hands pointed to my head.

I looked to see Stu was on top of Hallie, stabbing mercilessly into her chest while Billy took the gun she had been holding.

They turned back to me, seeing Mickey holding the gun to my head and they froze. "What are you gonna do now, boys? I've got your final girl here, her life, quite literally, in my hands."

Billy narrowed his eyes at Mickey, taking a step forward. "Drop the gun, and we'll go easy on you," he said, his voice, deep and menacing.

"Go easy on me?" Mickey laughed. "You really think I'd believe that?"

"You're dumb enough to think that trial shit would work, I think you'd believe anything."

Mickey sighed, "You know, I was really looking up to you boys. I thought you'd be honored that I am making this sequel."

"Honored?" Stu scoffed. "You're trying to kill our girl."

Mickey's grip on me tightened. "I wouldn't have to kill her if she would have just left Meeks and been with me instead. This all would have ended differently, if she'd have chosen me."

"You?" I asked, my voice strained from the pain, the blood loss making me woozy. "I'd never be with you."

He pushed the gun harder into my head. "I came to this stupid fucking school for you. I roomed with lover boy for you. I found Hallie online, in one of those killer love letter groups, and charmed her, getting her to room with you. I did everything for you! And then, we finally meet, and you barely give me the time of day. You brush me off, treating me like-like some extra!"

I scoffed, "You really thought I'd go for you?"

"Is it really such a shock, I mean, I'm basically just your type. Movie obsessed and psychotic."

I rolled my eyes at this, pursing my lips. He kind of has a point. Only, Randy wasn't crazy, at least, not in the serial killer way. "So, it was never your plan to kill me?" I asked.

"Not at first."

"When did you change your mind?" I could see Billy and Stu watching us carefully, looking for a time to strike.

"At the party, when you blew me off and went to Randy." I thought back, remembering the conversation, how he insinuated that Randy and I didn't really love each other.

"Right, I get how that could cause you to want to murder me," I said sarcastically. "Makes total sense."

I felt a deep chuckle reverberate in his chest, "You seem to be forgetting you're the one with a gun to your head right now."

"No, I'm not forgetting," I said, looking at my boys intently. "Just buying time."

"Time for what?" he asked just as I grabbed the hand around my shoulders, ducking down at the same time that Billy shot the gun in his hands.

Mickey stumbled back, dropping his own gun, clutching his shoulder. Damn, Billy has a terrible aim with guns.

My boys rushed over to me, but I didn't take my eyes off of Mickey. I saw a knife, Hallie's or Mickey's I don't know, a few feet away and picked it up.

Mickey had fallen into a pile of styrofoam rubble from the set, hissing in pain as he held his shoulder. I gripped the knife, stalking towards him. He looked up at me as I got closer, and smiled. "You really think I'm scared of you?" he laughed. "You don't have the guts."

I felt my features harden as I glared at him, getting closer. I kneeled down, so I was at his height and tilted my head. "I don't have the guts?" he shook his head, starting to push himself up.

I placed one hand on his injured shoulder, pushing him back down. "Do you know how Sidney died?" I asked innocently.

"One of them killed her, slit her throat."

I nodded, looking down at the knife as I twisted it in the light. "And she was stabbed. In the chest."

"Yeah, just beside the heart," he said, looking weary now.

I brought the knife to his jaw, lightly pressing it into the skin, just enough to draw blood. "I did that." He gulped as I trailed the knife lower, until it was level with his heart. "And I won't miss this time."

"Wait!" he shouted, but it was too late, I brought my hand back before stabbing into his chest. He cried out in pain, his eyes wide as I felt the knife go deeper into his flesh. I pulled back out, repeating the action.

"This is for Randy!" I cried, stabbing more and more, until I was sure he wasn't moving anymore and I was covered in his warm, sticky, blood.

I leaned back on my heels, dropping the knife beside me as I breathed heavily, tears streaming down my face. 

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