Chapter 41: The Hunters

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In Trost, a small group of Titans pawed at the boulder blocking the outer gate. Pyxis sat next to a crate of empty bottles with several of them lying next to his feet. It soon became apparent that the elderly soldier was fast asleep likely from all the alcohol he had drank before falling into his slumber. Footsteps could be heard as his aid appeared at his side.

Anka: Please tell me you didn't drink all this alone, sir.

The only response she got was a snore from the sleeping man. Sighing, Anka slapped the back of her commander and woke him up.

Pyxis: Whats the situation?

He grabbed another bottle and popped the cork. He was about to get another mouthful but Anka took the bottle from him before he could do it. 

Anka: Several patrol units were sent out. Not many Titans between the first and second defensive lines. The few that did appear seemed pretty far apart. 

Pyxis pulled out a pocket watch on a chain and flipped it open. After checking the time, he grunted.

Pyxis: If Hannes and the others managed to follow the wall without incident, they should be getting back soon. They would've run into the Krolva unit before turning around halfway and coming back. It's safe to assume they encountered few Titans if any. If the wall had been breached, these sightings wouldn't be so random. 

Both soon heard the sound of ODM gear as Erwin appeared atop the wall. They turned to face him as he began to speak.

Erwin: Commander Pyxis.

Pyxis: Is it true that you caught a troublesome little mouse?

Erwin: Yes. Not that it helped us. 

Pyxis: Well at least those interior goons might start using their heads now. 

Erwin: They have. Look there.

The scout commander pointed down to the streets below. A small group of military police was preparing their horses, almost like they were about to leave on a mission.

Erwin: Military police appearing where Titans aren't just an academic problem. 

The two commanders watched the MPs while Jean sat on a crate amongst his comrades. He trained his ears on a group of three MP officers nearby.

MP 1: What a joke. I thought this was an emergency.

MP 2: Yeah. Are we here to sit on our asses or what?

Jean(in mind): That's all you do anyway. Cant believe I wanted to be one of you, lazy bastards.

MP 1: Where ya hiding all the Titans Levi? 

Levi: Problem? You seem eager to be eaten alive. Sorry, we couldn't make that happen for you today. There are plenty of opportunities outside the wall if you're interested.


??? 2: Get Commander Pyxis. Hurry!

Once Pyxis and Erwin came down from the wall, the advance squad was finally able to deliver the information they'd been tasked with. Jean was surprised to see Sasha with them.

Pyxis: So no breach has been detected? 

???: No. But sir, a situation has developed. We ran into another group on our way back from Trost. It was led by Section Commander Hange of the scouts. They had unarmed recruits from the 104th with them.

Erwin: What happened, soldier?

???: This is gonna sound crazy, but three of them were Titans!

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