Chapter Twelve - A new start

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Months had past, a new year for Emmett. There wasn't a second he didn't spend thinking about what had happened though, but he had other things to do, a new task to complete even if he wished he were someplace else. He walked across the rooftops of a rural village, making sure every step was careful and calculated. He slid his vision goggles down onto his face, covering his eyes completely. He glanced around, adjusting the goggles to zoom into the distance. He watched villagers scramble around, desperately trying to eliminate the outsider who had set foot in their town. He wasn't worried about this though, he knew what he was getting into and plus, they wanted the man, not him yet.

Emmett adjusted the goggles again, returning them to normal as he continued jumping from roof to roof, his long black cloak flowing behind him. As the buildings disappeared, he traveled by foot, making his way to his destination. He approached a church, quickly climbing up onto the roof and into it's bell tower. As he propped himself up on the side, the bell began echoing in his ears. He jerked his head towards the sound, his eyes scanning everything in his vision. Emmett then frowned, standing up.

"Little warning next time, will you?" Emmett complained, covering his ears dramatically.

"Sensitive?" Ada asked, making her way over to him. "I'll remember that next time." She replied.

"No you won't," Emmett laughed, sliding his goggles back up. "We both know that." He said, taking his gloves off.

"You'd be surprised. " Ada said.

"You'd think Luis would be here already." Emmett stated, leaning against the wall.

"He'll be here." Ada responded, placing a hand on her hip.

"And in the free time?" Emmett asked, scanning her up and down.

"We wait." Ada said.

"Okay, do you plan to trick me again?" Emmett questioned, half trying to joke.

"Just don't get in my way, I won't have to." Ada stated, softening her voice.

"See I can't do that, it's impossible Ada." Emmett replied. "We're partners after all." He added, crossing his arms.

"Only temporarily." Ada stated, taking a few steps towards the edge of the building. "You've changed." She added, looking back for a moment.

"You've changed a ton as well, haven't you?" Emmett teased, standing up from the wall.

Emmett smirked, watching as she jumped down. It wasn't what he was expecting for this mission, but he didn't mind it so far. He grabbed his hood, sliding it over his head as he sat down on the ledge. Physically, he had drastically changed himself after everyone had figured out he was alive. This was his effort to disguise himself better, make himself look different. He had grew out his hair, now pulled back into a short ponytail with strands dangling out, paired with the scar across his nose he had earned. From now on, he was cautious and hid his appearance with either his goggles or mask. He couldn't let anyone know who he was, even he was ashamed.

He looked around, towards the graveyard. Ada didn't want to talk, leaving him to his own thoughts for what felt like hours. Suddenly, he heard his comm device beeping. Emmett pulled the device out, clicking it on as the screen appeared. He paused briefly, looking down in annoyance. Emmett wanted to avoid calls like these, but he couldn't. He was a mercenary for a reason, he followed orders from whoever had hired him and got pay in return, no time to care about personal affairs. But every call was personal, every second made him more and more furious.

"Are the goggles suitable?" Albert asked.

"I'd hope," Emmett sighed, looking down at him, he seemed emotionless as always. "What could you possibly need?" He asked.

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