Chapter 4 - the game

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It was the next day, and Amalia was pulling her outfit together for another day of school, hopefully one less dramatic.
Finishing up her makeup she headed downstairs and greeted her Mum who was engrossed in the television.

"Hey, you look nice honey. Your taking the bus today to remind you and oh quick question - have you thought about going to the game tonight? We should go everyone's going to be there." She rambled.

"Game? What game?" Amalia questioned, confused. She was lost at what to say - no one had told her about this. Also her mums rambling confused her.

"The football game, you know for your school," she questioned, confused.
"I didn't know there was a game, I'll ask my friends at school about it - I've got to go I'm going to be late," Amalia rushed, she was taking the bus because her dad was at work.

"Okay well I'll see you later yeah?" She questioned, "mhm" Amalia answered, not really paying attention.
She said her goodbyes and walked out the door, a new thought occupying her mind : what is the game?

Across the town, Harry woke up feeling slightly confused - why was he genuinely looking forward to a school day? He tried to rack his brain for answers then his mind flashed back to Amalia.
"Amalia," her name sounded silky on his tongue, and he found himself smiling before quickly stopping it.

As much as he finds her cute, he feels guilty about thinking about another girl like that, especially after her.
As he prepares himself for school and his game, he can't but think about Amalia and finds himself becoming frustrated - what was this girl doing to him?

Next door, Marcus heard his brothers muttering when he passed Harry's room to go to the bathroom, 'what an idiot,' he thought.
As he finished, he was walking back when one person popped into his mind - "Amalia." He smiled genuinely but then his face fell into a frown: hang on, he didn't say her name.

He looked to the right and saw Harry's door open slightly and he grew silently angry when he realised he must of said her name - he has no right to be thinking about her, especially after his actions.
He rolls his eyes, it's not like someone as sweet and loyal as Amalia would ever go for someone like him, right?

Flopping on his bed, he pulls out his phone and smirks when he saw the new number added and her name, there's no way Harry will get her, she hates him.
As he was getting ready, he smiled to himself and thought - 'game on, brother'.

Later on at lunch, Amalia was sat with her friends at the table they sat at yesterday.
"Yeah it happens every fortnight a football game," Mia stated, "they take it so seriously it's stupid" she added, groaning.
Amalia just laughed, "my old school was like that, obsessed."

As they all talked about who's going - everyone apart from Mia, Amalia felt a chair be pulled out next to her and a new presence.
"Hello sweetheart," Harry smiled, grinning. Amalia just rolled her eyes and turned back to her friends, receiving multiple reactions from them.

"I was just coming over to see wether or not your cheering for me tonight," he stated, smirking.
"Can't seem to get enough of me hey, it's flattering" Amalia fake flirted back then laughed seeing Harry's hopeful expression - "you wish" she snickered.

A flash of hurt appeared on his face, but it was quickly masked by a playful pout. "I'm hurt, but I wanted to remind you, genuinely."
"Erm, thank you?" Amalia questioned, confused. "She will be don't worry," Immie smiled at him. Before Amalia could protest, Harry was off back to his table, turning around to give a little wave and a smirk to Amalia.

While Amalia was scolding Immie, Marcus was watching their encounter with a frown - why was his brother always trying to talk with her?
"Your brooding again man, about a girl was well" Jake said to him, smiling at his friends distaste, he was definitely going to annoy him about his crush on her, which was obvious.

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