Chapter Eight

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Chapter 8

Chapter Seven

"What do you mean you're not human?"

"You first."

Nik grumbled as he sat up. "I'm an Original vampire, and a hybrid."


"Between a werewolf and a vampire."

Clover gaped at him. He stared back at her cooly.

"T-That's amazing." Nik immediately relaxed, knowing that what she had said was true.

"Now you."

"I'm part of a race of more powerful witches then the Wiccans you usually deal with. I'm the type that has wands, couldrons, and broomsticks."

Nik raised an eyebrow. "I've never heard of another type of witch. Would you mind showing me?"

Clover twisted her wrist, her hand magically appearing in her hand and she silently cast a spell at the couch in the room, levitating it a good three feet off the ground before she lowered it gently back to its originaly position.

Nik took a deep breath. "So you're a witch."

"And you're a hybrid."

And they began to talk about their pasts and about Nik's real reason for being in New York, searching for Katerina Petrova and the moonstone that he needs to break his curse that his mother had placed on him a thousand years ago. And in return, Clover told him about her life, having to straddle him and give him kisses to calm him down from going to find the whale and giraffe and ripping them apart. And about her school years and when she moved to America.

"There is one more thing you should know, Nik." They had moved to the kitchen in the room at this point as Nik got a blood bag and Clover got some coffee.

"Yes, love?"

"I have a godson, his name is Teddy." Nik froze for a second with his back to her and Clover feared the worst. But she had no need to worry.

"I can't wait to meet him if he is anything like his godmother, I'm sure we'll get along famously."

They talked and kissed and cuddled for another couple hours before Clover felt it was time for her to return to Teddy but everything in her was begging her not to leave.

And Nik wasn't happy about her leaving, as he feared something happening to her without him there to protect her.

Clover thought as Nik began to fret about her leaving his sight.

She conjured two wrist watches and began to fiddle with it, casting a certain spell or two on it before grabbing Nik's wrist as he walked past her and clasping it on.

"What's this, love?"

"This is a magical monitor basically. My best friend's mum taught the spell to me. Basically this will tell you when I'm home, at work, out of the country, or in mortal peril/danger." She held up the identical one that she had placed on her wrist. "And I have the same, only it it is based on you. Believe it or not, I'm afraid to leave you by yourself because I know you'll get in to so much trouble without me around."

Nik smirked and pulled her into his body, his strong arms circling her caging her against his body.

"I'm sure I have no idea what you are talking about. But thank you, love, for this and know that I'm never going to take it off."

"And I'm never going to remove mine. Now I must be going. Teddy has school in the morning and I promised him I would take him for ice cream when I got back."

"I can't wait to meet him.... You never said where in Virginia you lived." Nik said thoughtfully.

"I didn't? Oh, well, I live in Mystic Falls. I'll see you later, Nik." And with a twist, Clover disappeared in a pop and appeared at home leaving her mate in New York. As soon as she had landed, her cell phone went off.

She opened the message. Text when you arrive safely, love.

I'm home. I can't wait to see you next weekend.

I look forward to it, love. Stay safe.

Stay out of trouble.

"Mommy!" Came the cry that drew her attention away from her phone and in the direction of her godson. It had been less then twenty-four hours but she was already in love with the hybrid and couldn't wait until the other three appeared and filled the void that ached for them to be together.

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