Chapter Eleven

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Chapter 11

Within a week's time Elijah and Nik were moved in completely with Clover with the coffins of their siblings in the rooms that had been set up for them. They had all decided they would find Mikael first and then do the ritual to break the curse on Nik before they undaggered the rest of the family.

Clover two nights after her mates, son, and herself were officially under one roof, Clover called on her two mates.

"I contacted a friend of mine in Britain on what I would need in order to find your father and the white oak stake. I found white oak easily enough, it's what the bridge and sign are made out of, we'll have to make sure to burn that and make sure none of it remains before we leave this place."

Nik and Elijah were alarmed at the thought of there being more white oak but with an exchange of glances knew that whomever Clover didn't stay with that night would go and burn the bridge and sign.

"And now, I need your blood, Elijah, to find Mikael and I'll need both of your blood to make sure your mother can never come back from the Other Side and harm any of us or influence any of us to do harm."

Clover performed the first spell that bound Esther to the Other Side and her witchy powers as well as her ability to contact those on the living plain, using the resurrection stone and the spell that Luna recommended she use.

Immediately in the air around them, Elijah and Nik could feel a heaviness remove from their shoulders.

"I feel lighter." Elijah said.

Clover nodded, not looking up from the spell she was getting ready to use to find Mikael.

"Yes, that is the presence of your mother disappearing. She can't influence any of us on this side nor can she do anything but exist on the Other Side. Now, let's move on to your father."

And the next day, the threat of their father was eliminated. His body and their mother's burning to a crisp and their ashes dumped into the ocean.


It was finally the full moon, none of the Scooby gang had seen it coming. They had all been focused on Katherine and her werewolf plaything to see the true threat. First Katherine had disappeared. And then Brady, a sadistic werewolf that loved to torture vampires and humans, and whom was apart of the werewolf plaything's pack, disappeared from Florida. And then, Elena disappeared which then sent everyone into a panic.

"Are you sure you don't want at least one blood bag to create hyprids?"

"I'm sure. Teddy, you, and our family is enough."

"Well, it's too late. Already have two blood bags, just in case and I have all of her hair as well just in case we ever need more of her blood with her dead."

Nik kissed her forehead as they headed to the ritual site, Nik's witch Maddox meeting them while Elijah stayed at the house to watch over Teddy and to remove the daggers from their siblings. "Thank you, love. You're always thinking of me."

"Of course. I love you."

"I love you too."

Walking into the clearing holding hands, Clover and Nik observed Katherine, Brady, and Elena freaking out from their circles of fire Maddox had created in order to make sure they couldn't escape.

"Clover?!" Elena gasped out, immediately recognizing the distant, mysterious woman standing beside the man that had kidnapped her. "What are you doing?"

Clover looked over at the whiny teen.

"My mate needs to kill you in order to break his curse. He would have done it 500 years ago but that doppleganger decided to run and change herself into a vampire, which is another part of the ritual we need. Isn't it ironic, Katerina, that 500 years later, you're going to be sacrificed for the same ritual you ran from?" Katherine and Elena glared at her while Brady still groaned on the ground, his transformation slowed down exponentially by a spell cast by Maddox.

"Klaus? It's time." Maddox called out.

The fear of the three in the fire circles spiked, knowing that this was the end. But Elena still had hope that her Salvatores and witch friend found her and destroyed these people who dared to try and kill her.

Klaus, for it was Klaus the feared Original that stood before them, and not Clover's sweet caring overprotective mate Nik.

"The heart of a werewolf." Klaus stepped forward and the fire circle around Brady disappeared and when Brady tried to run, Klaus flipped him onto his back and ripped his heart out in one motion, killing the sadistic werewolf instantly.

Klaus carried the heart and squeezed it over the bowl placed on the altar in front of Maddox. Immediately Klaus could feel something inside of him start to loosen.

Klaus went over to Clover and accepted the stake she had been holding for him.

"Thank you, love." Nik placed a gently kiss on her lips before turning to Katerina and Elena.

Klaus stopped in front of the circle that Katerina was trapped in which disappeared. And Katerina, predictably tried to run but the Original was faster and grabbed her, dragging her over to the altar.

"Looks like this is the end of the line for you, Katerina. Have fun on the Other Side." Klaus plunged the stake into Katerina's heart, twisting it so she felt as much pain as possible before she died, her skin turning gray.

"Now, little doppleganger, it is your turn." Klaus said leaving Katerina's body pinned to the altar so that Maddox could get a few drops of her blood in the bowl that contained the blood of a werewolf and the moonstone that Clover had been stabbed by Katherine over.

Elena stared with hatred at the three in front of her as tears started to fall.

"Why are you doing this?!" She needed to stall them to give her friends time to find her and save her.

"Nothing personal, little doppleganger." The circle of fire disappeared from around Elena. Klaus blurred so that he was standing behind her and moved her hair from her neck.

"They'll come after you. My friends will."

Klaus chuckled and replied just as he was getting ready to bite into her neck. "Let them. I'm the Original Hybrid and can't be killed, especialy by two baby vampires and a weak witch." And with that, Klaus plunged his fangs into her neck to begin draining the doppleganger of her blood.

Elena stared with hatred at the woman that she had grown up knowing, that had been good friends with her parents before they had died. Clover had no remorse, knowing that this had to happen for her mate to be whole.

And then the girl dropped to the ground, dead, the two previous bodies already set on fire and being burnt to ash by Clover while Maddox finished the spell to break the curse.

Nik cried out, finally feeling the curse that his mother had placed on him a thousand years ago break free and he began to change. As he was almost done with his transformation, Clover sent a spell towards Elena's body also burning it and then changed into her animagus form.

A black wolf with silver tipped hair which made her look like she glowed when the moon shined down on her. Nik on the other hand was a dark blonde with a mixture of brown.

The two stared at each other in their wolf forms before Clover took off into the woods, Nik following close behind.

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