Chapter Six

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Chapter 6

*Time Skip - S1E5 - You're Undead to Me*

"I don't wanna go to school though!"

"Teddy, you have to go to school!" Clover exclaimed, feeling exhausted from this never ending cycle with Teddy this morning.


"Because I said so. Now hurry up and get dressed or you're grounded!"

Teddy still sniffling from when he tried to use tears to get his way, did as he was finally told. Usually Teddy was the most pleasent, adorable little boy to be around but sometimes he got into these moods and he threw an epic tantrum about everything until he got his way.

Clover didn't put up with that sh*t though. When she had noticed a pattern to it, she had stopped babying him and instead turned from his sweet Mama to stern Mother.

Teddy came out of his room and shuffled towards the door without even once looking at Clover. Clover sighed and moved to crouch in front of him.

"Teddy, you know I love you, don't you?"

Teddy sniffled and nodded his head.

"I make you go to school because I love you, so that when you are done with your magical education, you won't be stuck with just options in the wizarding world. You'll be able to choose something in the Muggle world, too, okay?"

Teddy sniffled once more before throwing himself at Clover, wrapping his little body around his Mama. "I'm sorry, Mama."

"I know, baby, I know."

"Love you."

"I love you too. Now come on, you have that field trip today. I'm sure you don't want to miss it."

Clover stood with Teddy still clinging to her and grabbed her purse, walking out the door and towards her car. She put him in his car seat and shut his door before getting in to the driver's side herself.

Clover walked Teddy into the school and dropped him off into Miss Potts capable hands.

She returned to her car and took a deep breath. She couldn't believe she was doing this. She started the car and angled it towards her destination.

Finally she stopped in front of the large house. The Salvatore Boarding House.

She got out of the car, and taking a deep breath, walked up and knocked on the door.

A few minutes later, the door opened, revealing Stefan Salvatore.

"Uh, can I help you?"

"Hi, I don't know if you remember me. We met at the grill a couple weeks ago."

Recognition lit in his eyes. "Oh, right! Clover, isn't it?"

Clover smiled gently and nodded. "That is correct. Is there anyway that I could come in?"

Stefan stiffened for a moment but he was polite so moved to the side and gestured for her to enter, closing the door behind her.

He led her into the living room and gestured for her to take a seat.

She did so and met his light green eyes with her own emerald ones.

"What can I do for you?"

Clover took a deep breath.

"Look, I know you don't know me and this is extremely forward of me, but I hated it when people would beat around the bush instead of just telling me straight up." Clover took another deep breath.

"Okay, what's up?" Stefan leaned forward.

"I know what you are."

Stefan stiffened. "What are you talking about?"

"You're a vampire, as is your brother Damon."

"You're crazy."

"If I'm crazy, take off your ring and go outside, then." Stefan's gaze turned even more intense. But before he could speak, Clover waved it away. "Look, I could care less about what you are, I'm not prejudiced. I just wanted to make sure that you weren't a danger to me or my son, as well as the people of Mystic Falls."

Stefan remained frozen for a moment longer. "I am not confirming or denying anything about you accusations, but I assure you, I am not a threat to you, your son, or Mystic Falls."

They held each other's gaze for a moment longer before Clover looked away.

"So, it's your brother, then, that's the danger to everyone here?"

Stefan's eyes turned panicked. "What? No!"

Clover's eyes turned steely at his denial. "Well, Stefan, someone must be responsible for the 'animal' attacks around here. You just said you weren't and the only other vampire in Mystic Falls at the moment is your brother. Therefore, through process of elimination, it is your brother that has been the cause of all of this chaos." Clover lifted a hand up to stop his interruption. "Like I said, I'm not prejudiced. I don't care that you're vampires. I care that you, or Damon really, are killing defenseless humans that have done no wrong. So keep him on a leash in regards to killing and tell him to start perfecting the 'catch, erase, and release' method or we're going to be having problems. Good day, Stefan Salvatore."

And with that, Clover got up and left the frozen vampire sitting on his couch and drove away. Hopefully, there would be less deaths around now.


After Clover's talk with Stefan, Clover picked up Teddy and took him home, calling his magical babysitter to come and watch over him.

Leaving Teddy in the capable hands of Miss Goldstein, she apparated away and reappeared in New York, although this time she was in the non magical area.

Clover had changed her clothes before leaving Mystic Falls.

She slipped into a bar and took a seat at the bar rail.

"Whiskey on the rocks." She ordered when the bartender came over.

In no time, her drink was being slid to over to her as well as a basket of pretzels and peanuts for her to snack on while she drank.

She couldn't believe that she had literally walked into a vampire's home and threatened him slightly to keep his brother in line or else.

She was brought out of her thoughts by a familiar accented voice from beside her.

"Now, what's a pretty little thing like you doing in a place like this?" The British man asked, taking a seat beside her and ordering a scotch.

Clover's eyes lit up. It had been so long since she had heard a British accent outside of her own and Teddy's slight accent that was fading every day.

"Oh, I did a very dumb thing and now I feel like it's going to come back and bite me on the arse sooner rather then later."

The man smirked at her. "Ah, a fellow Brit! Well, let me buy you a drink to help you get over this worry you have, as I'm sure it will turn out just fine, love."

Clover rolled her eyes but smiled around her drink. "I guess I can let you buy me one drink, if you tell me your name, of course."

"Of course, how impolite of me. You can call me Nik, love. And may I know the name of my drinking partner this evening?"

"You may. My name is Clover."

Nik lifted her hand and kissed the back of it.

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Clover."

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